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Two weeks into our comeback promotions, we're called into the agency for another meeting. I was practising so late last night that I only got two hours of sleep, and Yedam keeps squeezing my arm to keep me from falling asleep right here in the meeting room. I'm hearing the words that are being said, but barely listening. They're talking about the unit songs that apparently Doyoung suggested in the last meeting (although I've already forgotten), and how we're going to pair up and do six.

"We've been thinking a lot about how to divide up the pairs, and we've decided that our first goal should be to increase the level of excitement among your own fans to the maximum level so that they can't stop talking about you on social media," I hear. "So that means giving the fans what they want. Here's the list we've come up with. If anyone has any objections then feel free to voice them. Hyunsuk and Jihoon, Yedam and Doyoung, Junkyu and Mashiho..."

I jolt awake and alert straight away. My eyes, which I didn't even realise had been shut, fly open. Did I hear that right? What was she saying again? Pairs... pairs for unit songs, right? Did she say mine and Mashiho's names together? As in... Mashiho and I doing a song together? Just us?

I scan the table for him, and see he's already looking at me. He grins when I make eye contact.

Oh my God.

"...Jaehyuk and Asahi, Haruto and Jeongwoo, Yoshi and Junghwan," she finishes.

Jihoon chuckles. "Wow. They're going to go crazy."

I'm going to go crazy.

"We want these unit songs to be the focal point of the album and live release. So as well as doing popular pairings, we'd also like for them to be self-made. The producers will help you, of course, and you can help each other, but we want them to come from you. As for the performances, it's up to you whether you'd like to have choreography or not. Self-choreographed routines could attract a lot of attention."

"Seriously?" Hyunsuk asks, his eyes lit up as if all his Christmases just came at once. "We get to create our songs entirely on our own?"

He is answered yes, seriously, that's exactly what it is. It's hard to believe I was falling asleep just moments before, because now every cell in my body is buzzing with energy. I'm in awe of how much free rein we've been given over this project. From lyrics to production and even to choreography... we can do anything we want. And on top of that, I get to do it with Mashiho. I feel a tingling run all the way down my spine when I think about how much time Mashiho and I are going to spend just the two of us, creating something together that is completely and only ours. My brain keeps flipping between the prospect of creating a new song myself and having it put on an album and the prospect of being with Mashiho for all of this and I don't know what to feel more excited about.

The music, idiot. Be more excited about the song itself, I tell myself. Musician Junkyu over Mashiho-crazy Junkyu, please.

So I decide to focus on that. For now.

And as my mind is stumbling over itself, the meeting wraps up and we're being told there's no deadline at this point, but that we should get to work with our partners as soon as possible, so Hyunsuk suggests we all break off into our pairs now and get talking on ideas and concepts. We go to the cafeteria because we know it'll be empty at this time, and each pair takes their own table.

Which is how I found myself sitting face to face with Mashiho.

"You must be so happy," he says, smiling at me. "You've wanted a self-produced song by you on an official album for so long."

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