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It's our second day of Treasure Map shooting, and we're actually doing something we've never done before this time. I'm standing outside a maze right now. It's not what I expected of a maze... the walls are wooden and only just high enough so that you can't see over them. But did I really expect dense, sky high hedges? None of us have ever done a maze before, so we've all been looking forward to it. But one more than most.

"Maze day maze day maze day maze day maze day!" Junkyu chants as we wait to start filming, shaking an irritated Jeongwoo by the shoulders as he does so.

I didn't think Junkyu would be that hyped about a maze. Knowing him, he'll probably last two minutes before deciding he's bored. I smile at the thought, and the warm sun smiles back down to me.

The filming starts, we do the introduction, and then get split up into teams to make it interesting. I'm with Junkyu, Jeongwoo and Jihoon. I'm happy to be put with Junkyu. We've always been really close, but the past few weeks, spending so much time together with the song (and the fanfiction, of course) has made me want to spend even more time with him because whenever we're together or talking on the phone, it's so easy and fun.

"Maze day maze day maze day maze day," he continues to chant as we walk through, holding Jeongwoo's shoulders and bouncing on his feet.

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up," Jihoon chants back to him. "So Mashiho, you're gonna make us win this, right?"

I snort. "Why do you think I can make you win this?"

"Well, you're walking at the front and we're all following you. Front is power," he responds.

Jeongwoo takes this chance to sprint ahead of all of us, taking the power for himself. We all laugh as one of the cameramen with us scrambles after him, and even harder when he sheepishly returns saying he ran into a dead end.

Another thing I didn't expect about the maze; there are paintings on a bunch of the wooden panels, I think as markers so we know where we've been before. And something that I did expect; Junkyu's had enough about five minutes in.

"Do you wanna cheat?" he suggests as we run into a dead end. "I could lift you up on my shoulders, Mashi."

"We will not be cheating." Jihoon hits Junkyu rather hard in the arm, and Junkyu winces and pouts. "We're going to win this on raw intellect."

I can't help but laugh.

"I don't think our team combination is filled with raw intellect, but okay," says Jeongwoo.

Junkyu folds his arms stubbornly. "Hey, I can be a genius when I want to."

"How about right now?" Jihoon suggests, smirking.

Junkyu hesitates, eyes dropping to the ground. "I... uh... don't want to."

Jihoon, Jeongwoo and I all take turns walking at the front and trying to lead us in a new, innovative way, thinking we've got all the answers. Meanwhile Junkyu trails at the back, dragging his feet, saying he's tired and dramatically fanning himself because of the heat. We run into dead end after dead end until we eventually decide there's no way we're going to win and instead take our time appreciating the paintings. At one point, we come across a birthday cake.

"Man, I could really go for some cake right now," Jeongwoo says wistfully.

"It sucks. Whenever it's one of our birthdays we always do a Vlive with a cake, but very rarely actually eat it," I add.

Junkyu looks at me and tilts his head to one side. "Sometimes we have a cake at midnight."

I shrug. "Sometimes. We didn't for my last birthday. I've been deprived."

Jihoon and Jeongwoo have stopped listening and are planning our next moves, trying to see over the walls by standing on their tiptoes and jumping despite Jihoon's claim that we wouldn't cheat. But Junkyu's looking at the painting with his lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed, deep in thought.

In the end, we lose, because we were the only team that didn't figure out that there was a gate near the end that we could go through. We thought it was just another wall and passed it about a million times, and Junkyu's only contribution for the entire maze trip was figuring out it was a gate because he saw it move in the wind. Jihoon nearly dislodged it, he slammed it open so aggressively. Yedam, Yoshi, Hyunsuk and Asahi win and Jeongwoo says it was rigged. I glare up at the sun, feeling frustrated and overheating due to the inordinate amount of time we spent in there, and the sun responds by nearly blinding me. One good thing about the day was that it exhausted me so much that when we're told to get a good rest before some variety show appearances early tomorrow morning, I have absolutely no problem with that.

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