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Me: Hi guys.

Haruto: a full stop??? should we be scared???

Me: omg shut up that was going to be the start of a Long and Serious message but i hit send accidentally

Asahi: lmfao

Junkyu: rip this did not go as intended

Me: ok everyone shush and wait for me to type this

Jihoon: i'm on the edge of my seat

Me: Hi guys. I've been meaning to tell you all this for a while but I could never find the right time so I'm doing it now... I just want to say that I'm sorry. That concert was such a huge event for Treasure and I completely ruined it by having to be dragged to practice and barely talking and making things uncomfortable with Junkyu. I'm sorry that I made you worried and stressed and both Junkyu and I feel really bad that the focus was more on us than the actual show after we'd all worked so hard for it. Treasure is everything to us and we're sorry that it didn't seem like that for a while. Love you all :)

Asahi: ew

Hyunsuk: asahi >:(

Asahi: also what's with the correct grammar omg

Jaehyuk: don't worry about it shiho! what you both went through was important enough to take focus away from the concert, it was just unfortunate timing more than anything haha

Junkyu: wait no you mentioned me ok nvm
Junkyu: i'm sorry too guys :(

Hyunsuk: thank you for apologising but please don't feel too bad, we love you both so much and totally understand <3 also it was only two weeks of all our lives

Jihoon: yeah what hyunsuk said
Jihoon: love you uwu

Junkyu: awwww

Jihoon: that was meant for mashiho only but ok

Doyoung: omg mashiho you're so cute

Yoshi: we love you mashi!!! (and you as well junkyu hehe)

Jihoon: fck this we're literally all home rn i'm coming to ur room

Jaehyuk: me too! wanna give you a cuddle

Junghwan: now i feel left out :(
Junghwan: jeongwoo give me a cuddle

Jeongwoo: no

Yedam: i'll be right there junghwan
Yedam: *sends the other dorm virtual cuddles*

Haruto: wtf

I look up from the group chat on my phone when the door bursts open and Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Jaehyuk and Asahi all come rushing in.

"I don't think I've ever seen you on that top bunk," Jihoon says as he catches my eye.

"He said he didn't want me staring over his shoulder while he typed the message and then escaped to the top bunk!" I hear Junkyu's whiney voice from below me.

I giggle and move to go down the ladder, but then Jaehyuk climbs up it before I can and wraps me up in a hug. Jihoon climbs up as well and joins in.

"Come down! If we all go up there it'll collapse, probably!" Hyunsuk says.

Smiling so much my cheeks hurt and heart feeling like it's about to explode out of love and gratitude, I make my way down the ladder, followed by Jihoon and Jaehyuk, then Hyunsuk, Asahi and Junkyu join in our big group hug and it's beautiful, gold and warm.

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