Chapter 5. The Wolf

Start from the beginning

"It is natural for our kind to hunt and provide food for our mate is it not?" Kane asked. "It does not matter that she doesn't know she belongs to me or not."

Tara looked from one brother to the next wondering why they were silently glaring at each other. It was almost as if they were communicating somehow. Kane turned around and continued to load the basket full of different types of meat. "Kane, Kane!" She grabbed his arm to stop him, the basket was almost full. "I think that's enough. This is expensive and I haven't finished buying other things I need." He didn't seem to be too happy with her stopping him from the way he was staring down at her. "Thank you, really. I appreciate your concern and your help, but I really need to finish my own shopping," she said as politely as she could.

He let her take the basket. Tara gave him a smile. "I'll see you at work tomorrow," she told them as she walked away. She thought that was the last she would see of them until she got to the cash register and they appeared beside her. "'re still here?"

"How are you planning to get home with all those bags, Tara?" Kendrick asked as he began to help her take the food out of the basket to be scanned.

"I was going to call a cab," Tara said. "It's not that far from where I live. Oh, by the way, thank you so much for the cab fare yesterday. I'll have to repay you for it."

"No problem," Kendrick told her. "I would never let you repay me, don't even think twice about it."

"You're so nice," Tara gave him a genuine smile causing his face to turn pink. Something like a growling sound came from Kane's direction. She turned to look at him. He was busy packing her bags.

Tara turned around to pay for the food. The price was way beyond what she'd budget for thanks to Kane loading her basket full of meat. She could have put it back, but something had stopped her. Now she only had two hundred left to spend of the thousand she'd been given. Oh well, at least she had plenty of food that would last her for at least six months, that was a good thing. She went into her wallet to get the money and noticed the cashier closing the register and handing Kendrick the receipt. Kane had already started out the door with her grocery.

"Wait! I haven't..."

"It's okay, Tara," Kendrick told her.

The cashier smiled at Kendrick dreamily. "Such a gentleman, I wish someone would buy my groceries like that."

Kendrick chuckled softly as he escorted a very confused Tara out the store. "Have a nice day," the cashier called out to him.

"Kendrick! Kane!" Tara yelled at them when she saw her basket had been taken to their ford explorer. Kane was busy loading her bags into the back. "What are you guys doing?! I mean I really do appreciate your help, but you can't just come and take over like this. You didn't even ask if I wanted your help."

Kane pretended he didn't hear her. He continued to put the bags in the back of the car. Kendrick rolled his eyes at him. His brother had a life mate now, he couldn't always be the one covering up for his lack of manners. And yet, he found himself doing it... "I'm sorry if we've upset you Tara. It's just that, well I've known you for a month and it doesn't seem like you know too many people. I figure it's about time we became friends, especially after that incident with Andrew. You had no one to turn to after that didn't you? I can't stand to see a nice girl like you going through life alone. Everyone needs someone to be there for them, don't you agree?"

Kane glanced at Kendrick. His brother really had a way with words that he couldn't even hope to compete against. He could see Tara visibly relaxing in front of them and was thankful of his brother. Although, he would never let him know, the man was annoying as hell.

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