The last straw

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3rd person POV:

(Unknown time and place)

In a village, hidden far away from civilization, the chief spoke in front of his people at the sun's set.

"It's hard for me to say this..." He said, fooling them all into thinking he was at a loss for words.

"My son... Kira... Has died." The man stated.

The crowd gasped and began mumbling amongst themselves as a person approached the gathering.

"He was caught in a trap while extremely injured and perished-" he stopped when he noticed someone.

It was Kira.

His clothes were blood stayed and ash-ridden, even torn up in some places. With his hood down, everyone witnessed something thought impossible.

Kira showed emotion in his expression. Just one.


His crimson glare upon them all, made all but his father shake in their boots.

"After I kill your chief, anyone still apart of the clan life, will be next...."

"In other words... Run." those were Kira's words.

The crowd dispersed and ran away as his father calmly escaped to their house with Kira walking after him.

Doing their sworn duty, the guards raised their weapons at Kira, who, without even unsheathing his blade, made their screams echo through the village.

As more guards came to defend their chief, they saw what Kira did to the others with what looked like ease, making them panic, making them easier for him to kill.

Slowly making his way through his old home, he found himself in his father's study, where the man himself stood in front of a large portrait of his deceased wife.

"Today you die. I made the mistake of allowing you to continue living after you long outlived your usefulness. I will correct that mistake." Kira told his father

Continuing to stare at that portrait he responded with "It was the council that set up the trap."

Walking up to the fireplace, Kira kicked it, smashing it, and knocking a few burning logs onto a rug that slowly began spreading the fire.

"A trap you were well aware of, and probably helped conceived if not downright came up with," Kira said.

"But do not worry about the council, they are next." He promised before he tossed his sheathed blade at him.

The sheath sword impales into the wall beside his father's head, causing the picture of his mother to fall to the ground.

"Now face me," Kira demanded.

The father picks up the picture of his wife, only for Kira to kick him from behind into the wall, inadvertently destroyed the picture even more.

Kira grabbed his father and tossed him on the burning side of the room.

"I still know your mother's healing technique. It will be lost with me." He warned Kira who stared at the broken picture of his late mother.

"I do not believe your whore thought you the technique," Kira said.

"She probably told you where to find it, in case she perished." He told his father, as he pulled the picture out of the frame to see the technique he had been searching for, written behind it.

"I should have known...the only reason why I didn't kill you years ago, you hid in plain sight." He told his father as he ripped the picture to shreds after memorizing the technique on the back.

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