- best friend

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[ season 3 episode 9 ]

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[ season 3 episode 9 ]

"Move over!" Holly shouted moving Cristina away from Meredith's door frame. Holly throws herself next to Meredith and sighs. "Holly, quick question." Cristina says looking at Holly. "Ok shoot."

"Say Sloan robbed a bank and you drove the getaway car but he gets caught do you turn yourself in?" Cristina asks as Holly looks confused.

"Why am I robbing a bank I have $15 million. So there would be no reason for me to rob a bank and why Sloan I mean he's got money too." Holly said sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

"Cause you love Sloan." Cristina said making Holly open her mouth to object but Meredith interrupts. "Holly! Why didn't you tell me!"

"Because-because we are just good friends. Best friends actually. But don't get jealous, you two are my number ones." Holly said opening her arms signalling for a group hug. As they both shake their heads. "Well then."

Holly got up and hugged Cristina and dragging her to Meredith in the bed. "No!No!" Meredith shouted jumping out of the bed and running to the other side of the bed. "You know you want to." Holly said smiling.

"Yeah Mer, you know you want to." Cristina says with her best puppy-dog eyes she could make. "Don't make sad dog eyes at me." Meredith says pointing at Cristina.

"Let's corner her. You go one way, I go the other." Holly whispered into Cristinas ear and let go of Cristina. "Go!" Holly said jumping on the bed and running to beside Meredith as Cristina ran from the other side. Before Meredith could see what was happening it was to late.

"Squishy sandwich." Holly said nuzzling her head into Meredith's neck.

"Whoops, gotta get back to my jog." Cristina said leaving the room. "This is cozy, we should hug more often." Holly said looking at Meredith.

"As much as you are a good hugger, I'd rather not." Meredith said making Holly frown. "Well atleast someone admitted I'm a good hugger."

"Can I have my girlfriend back?" Derek asked walking into the room.


"Ma'am?" Holly asked a woman standing infront of the automatic doors. She was covered in blood and looked like she was having trouble standing up. Addison was close behind Holly.

Holly is slowly walking over to the woman. Who was now fully in the room. Holly starts running when she notices the woman starting to fumble. "I need a stretcher over here!" Holly shouted as she got closer to the woman. "I think I might have parked in a red zone." The woman says before collapsing, luckily Holly caught her.

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