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There is a rumor in Mexico about a woman who had hated  life,felt unloved  and hatred had consumed her.She ended her life so that she can erase her own self from existence.

Her family was the only one who knew about her suicide and of course they were sad about her death,however after the day she died the family had also mysteriously died one by one.

They believe that the girl wants to end her life and erase all memories of her badly so she returned as a vengeful spirit willing to kill those who have knowledge and memories about her own existence.

She is now known as "LA MUERTO BLANCO".A girl with black eyes that has blood flowing from them.She walks in a way that she hasn't move an inch.

She'll hunt those who have memories about her.

Be careful for you'll never know if she is near you......

The only way you'll know her presence is through a telltale knocking on you door.

She knocks one time for your own skin,which she will use to patch her own decaying skin.

Twice as sign that she will take your hair,which she'll gnash with her teeth.

Thrice for your bones that she'll use to fashion in clubs.

Four times for your heart,which will be ripped from your chest.

Five knocks for your teeth that will be polished for her own collection.

Six for your eyes which she'll pluck one by one.

Seven for your own soul which she'll devour in front of your soul less body.

There is no use of running for she'll only follow you.

But don't worry as long as you don't know her story you are safe.

Oh wait....now that you know her story......she'll know come to erase you too......I'm sorry....

Scary Stories and Urban LegendsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon