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As a 12 year old kid, we all know that most of the things we search in the internet are all about minecraft, area 51, SCP's or any creepy and weird stuffs that could ever possibly found in the internet.

In this story I will be sharing a little information about the common Urban Legend 

"Bloody Mary"

Fun fact did you know that some believe that Bloody Mary was about a bleeding witch or spirit.

While some said that it was pertained to Queen Mary the first.

This is actually because she suffered from many miscarriage during her own reign that is why she is often called the "Bloody Mary".

Many of us are very familiar with the game "Bloody Mary" wherein you just have to light up some candles in a dark room where there is a giant mirror and all you have to do is to shout bloody Mary three times.

But did you know? That is was actually done by many curious and unmarried women many years ago so that they can see the reflection of their future husbands.

However some of them are quite unlucky since if a skull appeared in their mirror, it means that they are bound to die the day before they are married.

Being a Filipino this so called myth was very unfamiliar with me.But one thing that is very familiar with us is the white lady.

Basically it is a spirit of a woman that can either bring harm or fright to many Filipinos.

 I used to believe that even if I played the game of bloody Mary nothing would even happen to me.

Until I had my own nightmare.I was 7 years old and I always tend to have random nightmares at exactly 1:00 am. Every night I will be woken up by my twisted dreams and I will certainly pee in my bed.

I had this dream that I was in a very dark room and the only thing I can see is our long dining table.

I was confused at first glance until I saw a woman wearing a long white dress begging for help.

I screamed and ran towards my Mom and Dad.

The next day my Parents went to work and I decided to see if my dream is real.

So I called my 2 siblings and asked them to stay behind me.

I then shouted "White lady lumabas ka" (White lady show yourself) 3 times.

Of course nothing happened.

Until the lights in our kitchen suddenly went off and one of the cooking pans fell down. It made a loud noise that made us scream.

We ran outside the door and I was so certain that I saw someone peaking at our bathroom door as we ran towards the door.

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