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this is the sound that you must be aware of in Japan.For this is the sound that warns you....that Hachishaku-sama is finally near you.

I was 7 years old when I visited my Grandmother and Grandfather back in Japan.

But when we finally got there I realized that they where all busy at their cafe.

My mother tried to help them and decided to let me play somewhere else so that I won't bother them at their work.

I tried to grab my toys in my bag and went in their backyard.

It was so peaceful.

The grass were green,while the pink petals of their cherry blossoms started to fall on the ground.

I was playing peacefully knowing that I won't be bothered by anyone and that I finally escaped the noise of the vehicles back in the Philippines.Since we are only renting an apartment near a busy road.

Until I heard an unfamiliar sound that kept bothering me.


I tired to look at every bush present in the garden but there were no animals hiding in it.


The sound is so annoying and repetitive.It was driving me crazy.


The sound immediately stopped.I was relieved.

Until I saw a woman smiling in white dress while wearing a white hat.

It was normal to me at first.Until I noticed that her head was above the hedge.

That hedge was about 7 feet tall.

I was confused.

Maybe she is stepping on a ladder?I asked myself.

Being bothered by the noises and how creepy the woman is.....I tried to ran as fast i can to go back inside.

"Ma! there is a girl outside!",I said.

None of them seemed to care.

Until I made the noises she was making.

"Po.....Po.....Po....Po...", I said.

My Grandma and Grandpa were not happy about that.

They looked at each other with a terrified expression in their faces.

Grandpa immediately called someone on the phone.

While Grandma assisted me towards my bedroom.

Minutes went by and a woman in black kimono entered my room.

she placed bowls of salt in all the corners of my room and covered my widows and doors with papers that has some weird letters written in them.

"Listen...you are about to die..You must not leave your own room until the sun is finally up.....once it is morning you must leave this town and never return!",The lady said in a panicked and worried voice.

I was so shocked.

"Am i really going to die?"I asked myself again.

I decided to read some books and watch videos on my phone to clear my mind and also to forget whatever that lady was.

My eyes were tired and I instantly fell asleep.

suddenly a tapping noise that came to my window waked me up.

"Just a tree bark....maybe?", I tried to calm myself down.


I was so scared when I heard the noise again.Until I heard my Mommy's voice.

"Ina? I can sleep with you if you want?",My mother asked.

I was so happy to hear her voice....so I ran towards the door.

But as I was about to open the door the salts began to change its color into black while continuously shaking.


That noise made me jump towards my bed and covered myself up with my blankets and pillows.

Then the door opened.....

"Ina...I made you diner."

It was my mother's silhouette...But then I saw the clock.

It was already 1:00 am.

And my Mom  never makes me have a midnight snack.


Scary Stories and Urban Legendsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن