19 the end

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Seokjin POV

I opened my eyes and blink in brightness and saw heaven like place but there is no one and all are white there was no ending point of the place and it was so beautiful.

I stood up from there and started to walking straight I feel so peaceful and slient here but I was missing jungkook so much I am worried for me and want see him, touch him.

I flinched as someone touch my shoulder from my back I turned slowly to look who is that and when I turned around I saw two figure standing in front of me in there 30's and smiling at me fondly.

"Who are you" I asked little bit scared.

" Don't scared of us child" the one says with his bunny smile that I know exactly who is they.

"You are jungkook parents" they nodded and I smiled so widely.

"Yes child you thought right we are jungkook parents I am jeon leemin and she is my wife jeon Taeyon and I know you are seokjin my sons lover" he says and reality hit me,' am I dead.'

"But where I was ,am I die" I felt like crying in anytime soon.

"No child you have to go back but before you go I have to say that thanks for giving your love and support to my child if you are not with him he will be dead already" they hugged me tight as there tears also started to flow from there eyes.

"I love him so much and I will always love him no matter what" I reassured them and they smiled at me.

"Now go child he is waiting for you he loves you so much and I trust on you bye jinni" they says and disappear in the cloud.

I started to walk again and then before i go far away I closed my eyes let myself go to my jungkookie.

Jungkook POV

I stood up from my sit as I saw doctor come out of jins room I walk fast toward him.

"How he is doctor say me he is ok " I desperately asked doctor he gave me wide smile before speaking.

"Yes doctor say how is Jin please" all of them also wait with concern.

"He was dead" I felt like my soul leaving my body but then doctor continued "but then miracle happened I don't know how what that attack was healed without us doing anything"

I felt like crying in happiness all of them relief and cheer up in happiness we group hugged.

"Thank you doctor thank you so much" I thanks doctor with bow.

"He is fine now you can meet him after he shifted to the other room" doctor says and then left.

When they shifted him to the other room I walk inside the room to see my jinni was sleeping peacefully I walk beside his bed and sat down near him and held his hand to interlock our fingers together

"Jinni I love you so much thanks for everything" I kissed his forehead and moved to his cheeks to lips.

I kissed his plump lips that taste like heaven but I froze when his lips started to move with me and his hands tugged in my hair's I smiled and started move my lips again as he moaned so beautifully.

We pull away as we heard knock on the door I said come in before giving last peck on his lips jimin, hoseok hyung and yoongi hyung comes with jins parents and smiled at us with fond.

"Owe. You two are cute and perfect together" jins mother said and all them started to coo at us I feel my ear and cheeks are turning red from shyness.

I stand up and looked at all of them before Looking at my jinni I breath to clam myself down before speaking.

"Jinni you know how much I love you and no matter what the situation I always love you" I said and he smiled as he sat up I helped him.

"I love you too jungkook I always with you" he says and I kiss his back of hands.

"Can you marry me" I asked and the room went silent as we looked at each others while the tear escaped from his eyes and I teared up to see him like this.

"Yes I can " he says and in the second he was in my tight embrace and we both cried out in happiness while other was cheering​ for us and also tearing up with us in happiness.

Thanks for reading 😍

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