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Hadley's POV

I'd taken a walk around the bazaar taking the time to wrap my head around everything before I started walking back towards the Hook's ship, I'd been a little surprised when Captain Hook had actually let me move onto his precious ship, he lived above his fishing store but the jolly Rodger was still his beloved ship.

"Well if it isn't the fire dragon herself" I recoiled at that voice turning around coming face to face with Anthony Tremaine. "Couldn't hack it in...what is it that Harry likes to call it...Boreadon" I glared at him and placed my hand on the hilt of Harry's sword ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

"What do you want Tremaine?" I spat at him.

"I wanted to see if the rumors of your return were true" I rolled my eyes and went to turn away but he moved forward quickly catching my wrist when it inched towards the sword pulling my hand away and pushed me against the wall.

"Let go of me!"

"Did you honestly think you could just come back here and what take back your turf"

"No I don't what any turf" I spat at him and his gaze dropped to the sword and started laughing.

"Oh I see you came back for that wharf-rat" I shoved against him trying to escape his hold but he pushed me back and I felt my head hit the bricks. "Are you honestly that stupid to think Hook even cares about you, everyone knows he's been hooking up with Shrimpy this entire time"

"Shut up Tremaine" he just continued to laugh.

"Or what?" he asked and I clenched my fists..

"Let go of me" I growled out meeting his eyes where he just smirked and I hated that I was back in this position since I couldn't bring on my flames to protect myself reminding me that I was back on the Isle.

"No I don't think I will, you can't come back here and think your safe"

"Anthony?" he spun around and I smirked seeing none other than Harriet behind him. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just welcoming her back" Anthony smiled and let me go. "Right, Hadley?" he added saying my name as if it tasted bitter in his mouth.

"Sure" I shrugged looking at Harriet.

"My brother was looking for you" Harriet said but she was looking at Tremaine.

"Okay, thanks Harriet" I nodded and walked off with a smug smile but it was disguising a small amount of fear since Harriet hadn't shown up I don't know what Anthony would've done.

I walked along the deck behind Hook's fishing shop silently rubbing at my wrists which were sore and starting to bruise from his grasp and I groaned knowing I would have to explain...lie about them to Harry since I wouldn't put it past him to go after Tremaine and although I'd like nothing but to see the entitled prat get what's coming to him the last thing I needed was people thinking I needed Harry to fight my battles.

I was already seen as a traitor to a lot of people here so I didn't need to be seen as a coward as well especially since I was going to be living the rest of my life here and there was no way I was letting everyone believe I needed Harry to protect me anymore than I wanted to rely on him for protection, I wasn't that type of girl.

"Ahoy!" I heard Harry call out and I frowned looking around since I didn't seem him anywhere. "Eyes up here Hothead" I looked up and saw him perched in the crow's nest and I rolled my eyes as I sighed and walked onto the ships deck watching him grab hold of a rope and used it to abseil down to land on the deck.

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