Heartbreak Reunion

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Hadley's POV

I smiled at the familiar place, this had been the crews hang out away from the Isle drama and only Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie and I knew how to get up here meaning it was untouched and preserved...it was our place away from our parents and we all stayed here when we wanted to get away and each had our own space but the walls were covered in Mal and I's graffiti art.

I headed towards my space and pulled the torn purple sheet across seeing as Mal immediately grabbed some paint cans and started a new artwork on what seemed like the only spare piece of wall left so I was able to shrink into my own thoughts and lifted the old mattress off the pallets and pulled out a tin box flipping the lid off and started filtering through all the valuables I had deemed worthy to keep, a lot of them were just knickknacks and secret letters from the one and only Harry Hook a lot of them were just letters to meet up which he'd leave me outside in a place only I knew where to find but some of them were heartfelt poems and yes I know that sounded odd but Harry was unbearable romantic underneath the cruel insanity.

In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you and I will watch every beach sunrise with you until the sunset of our lives. - H.H, I smiled bringing it up to my nose breathing it in still able to smell the sea salt and musk that was Harry Hook but it turned into a frown as I remembered how we left things and knew that I shouldn't expect that we were just gonna pick right back up from where we were, he most likely hated me so I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and put everything back in the tin box before I went out and helped Mal getting majority of the outlining down before she decided she wanted to explore what used to be our home and here there was such a thing as safety in numbers especially since I doubted we were as popular over here as we once were.

The whole time we were out I kept my eyes opened and cautious looking for any flash of silver or red but luckily there wasn't any sign of him and I looked up when I realised where Mal was headed and smiled seeing the familiar sign 'Curl Up & Dye' which clearly stated that it wasn't open until midnight which hadn't changed but Mal and I ignored it and went inside.

I smiled seeing nothing had changed, the walls were still sprayed and splashed with pain and my eyes finally spotted Dizzy sweeping up left over hair humming to her headphones, my smiled grew since she was my favorite Tremaine my most hated being Anthony for good reason but I stopped thinking about that the moment she saw us and let out a squeal.

"Mal, Hadley!" I smiled at her more brightly. "Is Evie back too?!" she asked excitedly.

"As if" Mal chuckled and Dizzy's face fell a little. "I um...forgot that you guys don't open until midnight" Dizzy nodded her head.

"Place looks good" I added in attempt to cheer her up and it worked as she laughed.

"So what's you deal, your grandmother given you any customers yet?" Mal asked her walking further into the room.

"Ah just a witch here and there, mostly it's a lot of scrubbing, scouring and sweeping...lots and lots of sweeping" Dizzy replied and I frowned.

"Sounds like the old Cinderella treatment hey" I replied almost getting angry since I knew she didn't treat precious Anthony like a slave.

"Yeah she's gone from wicked stepmother to wicked grandmother"

"That's not really much of a switch is it?" Mal asked as we all looked at the ceiling where the Tremaine's lived and I prayed that Anthony wasn't home right now cause I so couldn't deal with that git right now. "Hey Dizzy, you used to do Evie and Hadley right?" Mal asked her and I smiled when Dizzy smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I thought of the little braids for Evie and Hadley's two-tones"

"You have any ideas for me?" Mal asked her and Dizzy held up her hand in a triangle looking at Mal.

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