Family Day

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{A/N: The outfit above is what Hadley where's to Family Day Garden Party}


Hadley's POV

Mal had come back from her date in an unusual mood that I couldn't placate but I didn't question her, Evie had asked her how it went and Mal told us what the did...Ben took her to some lake and treated her to a picnic and apparently she loved strawberries which made me laugh since I could agree with her having fallen in love with croissants and found out there were even better with custard in the last few days.

All of us were surprisingly finding things to love in Auradon and growing more to like this place then we were supposed to think but with it being Family Day soon we were all trying to ignore the fact that unlike the Auradornians our families wouldn't be attending.

"Children...excuse me, um as you know this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep and because your parents can't be here due to...ah distance" she laughed hesitantly with the word distance. "We've arranged a special treat" she smiled and walked towards a screen at the front of the classroom and pressed something on the keyboard and suddenly our mothers face was on close.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear" she said making me roll my eyes.

"Kids" FG waved us up so we all stood and walked towards it stopping a couple of feet from the screen.


"Press enter" Jafar stated and could be seen clicking buttons.

"Can I please see a remote?" our mother asked turning to grab the remote off the Evil Queen. "Is this thing's broken!" I rolled my eyes again since could she be any more useless. "I hate electronics-" they all leaned back suddenly.

"Evie!" Evil Queen suddenly yelled so they must have done something to get it working. "It's mommy" she waved and Evie waved back. "Look how beautiful though you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Mom spat back making my eyes narrow at her.

"Who's the old bat?" Cruella suddenly asked pointing towards FG.

"This is Fairy Godmother" Mal replied.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Mom asked her and I rolled my eyes as they all laughed.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" FG shot back defensively.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella until 1:00am, I mean really what the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" Mom and Evil Queen fist bumped.

"They were mice!" FG exclaimed making my lips quirk a little in the corner on how defensive she was getting at Mom's teases. "They were not...they were mice...they were not-" she turned to us as if we needed to understand.

"Thank you so much, thank you" Mal quickly said just to stop their bickering.

"They were mice" FG stated close to the camera needing to state that again as Mal and I stepped forward.

"Hi Mom" we spoke at the same time, me holding in the grimace at calling her Mom.

"Mal...Hadley!" she yelled out making us jump at the suddenness. "I m...m...miss you" she finally got out after a hit to the back of the head by Evil Queen.

"You children are never far from our thoughts" Jafar added making me frown.

"I got it" Mom spat at him before looking back at us. "How long must Mommy wait to see you's?" I glared at her pretending to care.

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