An Unlikely Unspoken Alliance

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Hadley's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes Harry was actually standing in front of me...on the outside of the barrier...there was nothing between us but it still felt wrong and I knew it couldn't last...the others wouldn't let him stay and I knew that.

"Hey guys, we're just coming for a wee...visit" Harry chanted smugly and they started walking towards us only for Jay and Carlos to push them back and soon it turned into a shoving match between the boys making me roll my eyes at the childish behavior.

"Come on" I intervened to get them to stop when Harry pushed Carlos who fell back into me and knocked the ember out of my hand. "Hey!" I exclaimed reaching for it only to feel the cool metal of Harry's hook grab my wrist and flick it up making the ember fly out of my hands. "NO!" I yelled watching it move through the air falling towards the water but just before it hit a turquoise tentacle shot up and caught it followed by none other than Uma complete with a gold shell crown on top of her head.

"Drop something?" she asked.

"It can't get wet!" I exclaimed holding my hand towards her.

"Give it back before it goes out" Mal added but Uma laughed.

"UMA!?" Harry and Gil yelled out clearly pleased to see their captain.

"That's my name" she smirked waving at them before she disappeared beneath the water with the ember still in her grasp.

"NO!" Mal and I yelled before a huge tornado of water shot up splashing us.

"Hi boys" we heard behind us and we all spun seeing Uma behind us back to her normal legged self with the ember in her hands still glowing meaning it was okay.

"Welcome back" Harry laughed going over to her and I frowned since he left them behind just like I had and I hadn't gotten that welcome.

"Uma you swam off and forgot all about us" Gil spoke actually being the only logically one.

"Yeah planning her revenge no doubt" Mal spat crossing her arms across her chest glaring at the octopus.

"Its not all about you Mal" Uma retaliated. "I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everybody out" she added and I frowned looking down at my feet. "And you know what I found boys?" she asked turning back to Harry and Gil. "It's way better out there than we thought, there's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut and fish so big you could dance on their backs" she sang turning back to us. "And they've been keeping it all for themselves" I looked up to glare at Uma only to lock eyes with Harry seeing him looking at me tutting his tongue wiggling his finger at me making me frown.

"Whatever Uma, we need that to break a spell" I stated taking my eyes off Harry and held my hand out towards Uma for the ember.

"Cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter" Carlos further explained.

"Mm so the good guy is the bad guy?" Uma asked chuckling. "Well I might not give it back, lets see what happens" she added making me glare.

"Uma it's not the time for games, peoples lives are in danger!" Mal yelled at her but the pirates all just chuckled.

"Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to can get off the Isle" Uma shot back and I stepped forward to agree.

"I can't do that" Mal replied before I had a chance.

"Can't do that?" Uma shook her head then moved to the edge of the bridge and suddenly held the ember over the side meaning to drop it into the water. "Well how about now?"

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