Traitor To Both Sides

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A/N: Course language warning!

Hadley's POV

I've been sitting on the roof for about an hour when I heard the familiar clang of a rock hitting the sign confusing me since I knew for a fact Mal was still inside so I stood up and moved to the edge peering over ducking back straight away when I saw Jay, Evie and Carlos below then sighed since it had only been a matter of time before they followed so I looked back over eyes pinching together when I saw someone else with them in blue leather.

I sighed once more before jumping down using the fire escape ledges before I hit the ground my boots making it sound heavy and they all spun around at the sound, Jay, Evie and Carlos looked angry at the sight of me and I finally saw who it was under the blue leather...they brought Ben to the Isle.

"Are you guys crazy?" I exclaimed but they ignored me with Jay leading Ben over to the open passage leading up to the hideout.

"Wish me luck" Ben said looking back hesitating by the door.

"All the way up" Jay told him and he nodded heading up and the gate came down behind him.

"Good luck" Evie told him as he climbed the stairs then they all turned to me.

"Hey guys" I smiled innocently.

"Don't 'hey guys' us, what were you and Mal thinking?" Evie asked and I sighed.

"That we couldn't take it anymore" I finally replied being honest. "We didn't fit in like you all were"

"You's never tried" Carlos argued and I frowned.

"Actually we did" I spat at him.

"We know about the fight Mal had with Ben but what was so bad for you?" Jay asked and I frowned.

"It wasn't that Auradon was bad Jay" I argued crossing my arms over my chest. "I just...this is my home and I was never going to find that over there"

"This is about-" Evie began only to get cut off when the gate rose and we saw Ben coming back down without Mal meaning it went just like I thought it would. "So...where's Mal?" Evie asked.

"She's not coming back" Ben replied as the gate closed behind him and knowing Mal she locked it from upstairs.

"What?" Evie demanded. "I'll talk to her" she stated walking over to the pipe that lead all the way up and acted as a bit of a doorbell to the hideout, I watched Ben start to walk away and I frowned since it wasn't safe for him here so I followed him.

"Ben" I called running to catch up as he continued to walk. "You should know that she cares about you but she's never gonna be able to fit into your world" I explained and he stopped finally turning to look at me. "You've seen this place now so you can finally understand-"


"Well, well, well" we both spun and I glared pushing Ben behind me.

"Harry back off!" I spat at him seeing him in front of us but pushing Ben behind me was useless since he wasn't alone and at least four other pirates of Uma's crew were surrounding us.

"Grab him" Harry ordered and the pirates pounced grabbing Ben who struggled but it was no use.

"Let him go!" I exclaimed moving to help him but I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back and I turned seeing the familiar blue eyes of my pirate but they weren't the same ones that looked at me with care and adoration, they were cold and dull. "Harry don't do this!"

"Take him back to Uma" he ordered ignoring me but he smirked in my direction as the pirates dragged Ben away towards pirates bay and I could do nothing but watch since I felt the sharp tip of Harry's hook pressing into my back and I knew he would use it, he had before.

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