Kirk: "nothing" he says quickly.

Cliff: " yeah yeah sure, now come on everyone's waiting." Cliff says as we watch him walk out the door. Me and Kirk look at one another and just laugh awkwardly but from down the hall we hear Cliff shout

Cliff: "come onnn!!" He grunts loudly.

A few minutes passes and we're all set up. We were all spaced out and ready to play.

James: " y/n, what was that tune you were whistling earlier?" I think hard and look up and start humming it.

Y/n: " hm hm hmm hm, hm hmm hm, hm hm hm hm hm hmm hm" I hum loudly. They all look at each other like the dig the sound. None of them said a word but I did it on the guitar last night so I began playing it for them.

Their eyes widen, opening their mouths shocked. I kept repeating it and eventually Kirk and James joined, following with Cliff then Lars.

James: "yooo this slapssss!!" He screams like little girl. Everyone stops playing.

James: "what shall we call that?"

Cliff: "seek, it sounds like a song that's called seek I don't know why."

Lars: "no I think it should be called destroy, that sounds better"

Cliff: "shut up Lars you're irrelevant"

Lars: "who the fuck you calling irrelevant?"

Cliff: "you, so shut up"

Lars: "no you shut up you tall bitch" He yells, Cliff and Lars keep going back at each other, James is tryna shut them up while Kirk is rolling his eyes, I'm tryna think of a name and when I think of one, I know it's perfect.

Y/n: "Oi, both of you need to grow up and shut your mouths" I yell getting their attention.

Y/n: "rather than you to arguing, I combined both of those words."

Lars: "so, seekoy? Or disteek?" He questions me confused.

Y/n: "no you idiot" I say slapping my forehead.

Y/n: "seek and destroy, makes sense. We all used to play hide and seek so maybe the chorus could be something like, searching... seek and destroy."

Cliff: "you my friend, are a genius." He says high-fiving me.

James: " Come on, hands in." James says as we all put our hands on top of each other's.

Y/n: "okay so on the count of 3 we're gonna say 'seek and destroy' alright?" They all nod and we all say in unison 'seek and destroy'.

Many hours pass and we're playing until our fingers bleed. Kirk and I had wrote a solo in 20 minutes, practiced it together. Lars planned his drum beat, Cliff practices his but stopped to have a cigarette. While James had been writing lyrics.

We all then gathered around the dining room table and did a small show and tell. little by little the song was coming together. We were all so baffled that we were actually making a song, piece by piece, but, baring in mind,we stared this at 6 am and it's 2pm already.

It must of been a few beers later cus for some reason I found myself lying on the ground of the garage, sleeping. I slowly lifted my head up from the cold concrete ground and looked around, seeing the boys also laying down sleeping. I wipe the drool off my cheek to sit up, watching them sleep.

I saw Lars spooning James, which I was trying so hard not to laugh cus James was pushing Lars' hands off. Cliff was still holding his beer and I saw Kirk hugging his guitar. Which put a genuine smile on my face.I noticed that my stomach was rumbling so much cus we hadn't ate in like 8 hours. So I went into James' kitchen but he had no food.

So I decided to check the time and it was already 4:30pm. I make my way back into the garage and gently kick them all, waking them up. They all start moaning and grunting,

Kirk: "mom 5 more minutes" Kirk mumbles like he's in bed.

Y/n: "I'm not your mom Kirk, it's y/n, come on you lot get up and let's go out for some food."

Lars: "food?" Lars says sitting up instantly.

James: "oh hell yeh we haven't ate all day." he says as everyone is getting up.

I help each and everyone of them up one by one, tapping their faces gently to wake them up.

They all went over to the sink and washed their faces, dang I should of done that. But anyways, James remembered that his parents were both on a business trip so he got his dads car keys, and we all hopped in his big RV. I sat next to James in the front while the rest of them were in the back shoving each other while trying to get their seat belts.

James: "where we off to then?"

Y/n: "Burger Tower! I need a burger!" I say loudly as the others cheer and agree.

James's instantly reverses out of the driveway and speeds down the street, making his way to burger tower. We're all jamming in the car to AC/DC and the scorpions until I bring up an interesting question.

Y/n: "so wait" I say while turning the music down.

Y/n: "what's our band name?"

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