* Over Thinking *

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Heya people

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Heya people

We are back again. Most of us over think a lot in many possibile situations. Today let's know more about over thinking.


First, we need to know, what exactly is overthinking? The very general definition of it is to think about something for a long time. But as people who have spent a lot of time overthinking, we know that it isn’t just that. We know that we analyse, over analyse and over criticize ourselves. We know the results of the way we strongly scrutinize every little thing in our lives. Only we know about the nights that we have spent thinking about what we have done. 

Secondly, is overthinking healthy? Now, we would say no, it isn’t good. But we should also know that people who overthink also tend to be very prepared for when situations go wrong. That is only when you have a school project or something. But when you start overthinking about things like “I said that to him today... should I have said that? Did I say something wrong? What he must think of me now...”   or “Should I have done that? What would they think of me now?” we know it isn’t healthy. 

Deep down we know that overthinking only destroys our happiness and does nothing else. But we still continue to do it. I had gotten so used to overthinking about little things that i forgot that the most happiness we get is also from these little things.

It is time now for us to focus on the good things in life. It is time to focus on what we have, on what makes us happy. It is time to let go of overthinking because we are just thinking about something that we cannot change. Words once said or unsaid cannot be taken back. So rather than thinking about what could have been let’s focus on what we can do now to make any situation better because that is one thing that is in our control.

You must probably be thinking easier said than done, but if words can have a negative impact on a person think of the effect two kind words can have. Before anything, let us remember to be kind to ourselves from now on. Let us treat ourselves better from now on. Let us love ourselves from now on. Together. For all the one direction fans out there and others, ‘Treat People With Kindness’ and remember that you are one among the people too.

Quotes on overthinking

Don’t get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and overthinking leads to problems that don’t exist in the first place.

–Jayson Engay

Overthinking is like sitting on a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere. 

Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied and take your mind off of things that don’t take you anywhere.

 Keep yourself occupied and take your mind off of things that don’t take you anywhere

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That's all for today.

Credits to mirabelle_lockhart18

Hope it was helpful to you.

Have a great day ahead.

With lots of love
Teen Fix

With lots of loveTeen Fix

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