He's so ugh!! . . .

"Then it's your fault. You're the one not looking at the way. . plus you're holding the coffee"

"Well excuse me, if only you focus on your way, then you could've avoided me instead. . you're to speak about focusing on the way"

This time, I couldn't feel the heat from the coffee but it starts to feel sticky and I don't like it.

"Gosh you're impossible!"

I said before storming into the locker rooms to take a shower.

"I hate you too!"

I heard him yell back as I just walk straight.

Who does he think he is?

Me? Apologize to him?

Not gonna happen because its not my fault.

Lunch time came and I am so hungry. Gosh where is Jay anyway? This cafeteria is wild.

"Sunghoon over here!"

Finally .  .

I walk to his table and I can say he's waiting for someone.

"You ordered for me?"

I asked and he nod so I grab the chopsticks and I'm about to eat when I heard that voice again.

"Jay hyung! Good thing you saved me a seat. You won't believe the day I had. Oh is he the brother you're talking about? He better be cute. Gosh that dude a while ago is so irritating!. .. "

When did he ran out of words to say?

He sat beside Jay. They seem close.

"Oh . . good thing you're here . .I ordered your food. . and this is Sunghoon, my brother. . Sunghoon-ah this is Sunoo . . I think you two - -

"Ugh! You again?"

"You're free to walk away you know"

"- - will get along? Did I miss anything?"

He was shooting daggers at me and I won't back down so I just have him a glare too. He thinks he's intimidating? Nah! He's rather adorable.

Wait what?!

Sunghoon cut the crap.

"Care to enlighten me?"

I look at Jay about to speak when he spoke again.

"You lost"

I grab my hair in frustration before looking at him.

"Yeah? You call that a competition? Haha I thought you're a hamster trying to intimidate"

I look at Jay again to answer when he spoke again.

"Hamster? Really? That's cute of you. You know hamsters are really cute and soft unlike you you ugly rat"

Gosh he won't stop.

"Uh . . I think - "

I cut Jay off again to throw another word for this kid. How is Jay friends with him? Jay told me, he's a happy pill and always smile but dude, is this a happy pill? More like a 'wanting-to-murder-someone' pill.

"Ugly rat? Hmm at least this face is natural unlike someone whose probably caked with make up. Oh I like that shade of lipstick, what is it?"

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 (𝑬𝑵- 𝑱𝒂𝒌𝒆𝑯𝒐𝒐𝒏) ✔Where stories live. Discover now