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That right up above is the last time I use the markers I got for Christmas.

Willow felt guilty for leaving her friends behind, but decided to push that aside when she finally made it to the edge the Bitter Sea. The wind blew hard, the water was rough, the waves crashed into the shore.

First thing's first, Willow needed to make sure she had the best chance of crossing. So, she took off her coat, her pants, her boots, her scarf, her earmuffs until the only piece of clothing left on her was a black unitard. As a bonus, she pulled her hair back and tied it up into a ponytail. Without a moment to waste, Willow opened up her wings and flew over the water... only for a giant wave to throw her back. After swimming back to the shore, she decided to try a different strategy.

“Okay," Willow muttered, opening her wings up once more. She began flying over the water again, but this time, she retracted her wings and dove into a wave. She found a big pointy rock sticking out of the water and climbed up it. After using her inhaler, Willow continued flying. As a much bigger wave approached her, Willow created a force field so she could fly through it. Suddenly, she turned her head to find the same wave sneaking up from behind her, trapping her underwater again!

As Willow began to swim towards the surface, she was approached by a stag-like creature made of water. Willow froze as the Water Spirit stared at her with glowing blue eyes. Once the spirit vanished, Willow swam up to surface. After gasping for air, Willow looked down and noticed the Water Spirit swimming towards her. She created a raft of ice and climbed on it only for the spirit to knock her right off. Willow looked around for the Water Spirit only for the stag to jump onto her and push her deeper into the water and all of the air out of her lungs.

Unable to think otherwise, Willow inhaled the water and felt gills open up on her neck. Finally able to breathe, she used her powers to freeze the spirit to solid ice. Once that happened, the stag vanished and Willow swam up to the surface, only for the spirit to throw her into the air. She tried to push the Water Spirit back with a wave, but the spirit grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her through the water. It seemed bad, but Willow had one last plan. She wrapped her ponytail around the stag's neck and climbed onto the spirit's back so she would have the upper hand. This angered the Water Spirit, who began bucking around like crazy, trying to get her off. Willow refused to let go, however, and eventually, the spirit calmed down and bounded across the water towards a stony island covered in ice.

“Nefilheim is a glacier?" Willow asked herself. “Well, that would explain while all those memories were frozen solid."


Willow gasped as she heard the voice call out to her from Nefilheim, the ice letting out a soft glow.

“I hear you, and I'm coming," Willow said softly, the stag prancing across the Bitter Sea towards the frozen river of memories.

Every inch of me is trembling

But not from the cold

Something is familiar

Like a dream I can reach

But not quite hold

I can sense you there

Trolls: Secrets Of The NorthМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя