Moving Forward

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Far from the rest of the group, Poppy, Willow, Flower, Cooper, and the Fire Spirit continued their way North in search of the voice.

“Ah-ah-ah-ahhhhhhhh!" Willow called out.

Oooooooooooo-oooooooooo-oooooooooh!" Cooper yelled, scaring the others.

“Ah-ahhhhh-ah-ah-ahhhhhhhhh!" Willow called out again.

Wooooop-woop-woop-woop-woooooooop!" Cooper shouted.

“Mommy, make him stop..." Flower groaned, covering her ears.

“Hey, Cooper, uh, maybe just one of you should do it," Poppy suggested.

“I agree, she's a little pitchy," he whispered.

“Look Mommy! Zephyr's back!" Flower said as the Wind Spirit blew around them and up a hill. The four Trolls followed to find... some sort of giant animal den.

“What is it?" Poppy wondered.

“I don't know, but I'm gonna find out," Willow replied, flying downhill and into the cave. Cooper and Flower ran after her while Poppy just waddled.

“You two aren't making this easy for me," she said to her unborn twins and rejoined the group.

In the cave, Cooper found some sort of diary. The pages were written in a language he couldn't understand, but he did recognize them.

“Willow, come here. Look at this!" he said, holding it up to her. Willow immediately knew what it was.

“That's Viperese," she replied. Viperese was the language of the Rattlecobras, along with most other snakes. It was a language Willow could read but not speak, only creatures with forked tongues could do that.

“This must've been where Elora lived," Poppy guessed, holding up an old yet iridescent snake skin. “Could've done a better job cleaning up after herself."

“‘A prince desires to change his fate when his actions only seal it,'" Willow read.

“Did she mean your daddy?" Flower asked.

“That creature was not my father," Willow denied. Although she shared his DNA, Willow didn't want any connection to the Rattlecobra prince. “‘The end of the ice age. The river found, but lost.' What does that mean?"

“Guys, look!" Poppy said, holding up a piece of parchment. “It looks like a map. Here's where the Troll Kingdom should be, right here is Northros, up here is something called the Bitter Sea. And look. Something else was drawn on top."

Willow looked close and read Elora's writing. The drawing of the island with a large river in the middle was labeled as...

“Nefilheim?" Willow said in disbelief. “It's real?"

“Mommy, isn't that the river you told us about yesterday?" Flower asked.

“Yeah, exactly," Poppy answered. “But why would Elora draw it on a map?"

Willow held up the map and flew out of the cave to the top of the hill. She could see the Bitter Sea in the distance.

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