Attacked By Nature

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While the rest of the group searched for Flower, they came across a tornado or, more accurately, a tornado came across them. Branch took a good look at it and found something blue and purple spinning around inside. He recognized that blur anywhere.

“Flower!" he shouted, running up to her. Suddenly, the strong gust of wind scooped up the rest of the Trolls!

“Hey, guys! Meet the Wind Spirit!" Flower said as Poppy grabbed her.

“I think I'm gonna be sick!" Dusty shouted, gagging. The storm was so intense, Cooper and Prince D found their necks twisted together!

“Branch, tell me something helpful!" Willow yelled.

“Like what?!"


“Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie shouted. Mr. Dinkles mewed loudly as he spun around the walls of the whirlwind.

“Well, like clouds, tornadoes are mostly water vapor," Branch explained.

“Perfect!" Willow said and, with her rainbow hair glowing bright, used her telekinesis to grab the others and push them out the whirlwind.

“Willow!" Poppy shouted as everyone else got back on their feet.

Inside the twister, Willow magically forced the Wind Spirit to the ground and tried to fight back by freezing the water vapor. It was strong, but Willow refused to give up.

“Poppy, be careful!" Barb shouted as the Pop queen got closer to the whirlwind.

“I'm not leaving her!" she protested.

Willow, meanwhile, began to hear voices she never heard before, and saw her own icy magic make unfamiliar faces.

“You are no longer safe here!"

“I thought you were our friends!"

“Get out, now!"

“You'll regret this!"

“Prince Peppy, look out!"


“What's happening?!"

Suddenly, Willow saw a creature she was all too familiar with and in a flash of white light, the Wind Spirit vanished, leaving behind statues of ice.

“Willow!" Poppy exclaimed, running up to her. “Are you okay?"

Willow began to hyperventilate. “There were Trolls, they were fighting these weird-looking people... And then, I saw your dad as a kid, and there was a Rat-rat-rat..."

“Willow, it's okay," Ash said soothingly, holding her close. “You're okay now."

The Trolls looked carefully at the ice sculptures. Some looked like Pop Trolls, others looked like creatures similar to Trolls, but with their hair down and tufts of fur on their ears. Barb noticed one in particular that strangely looked like...

“No, it can't be," she said to herself.

“Daddy, what are they?" Flower asked.

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