When they need time

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The whole day I felt weird. I dont know if it was about the video I watched, the video on Snap that BamBam send me. When the boys were out. I watched it one time, because ot was enough for me.

"Look at JK" BamBam says flashimg the camera on Jungkook. He leans his head backwards closing his eyes. Then the camrea goes to Yugyeom, he smiles and does a peace sighn. The camera turns to Jungkook and Ryujin is sitting on his lap, she covers her face and stands up to leave.

"Why didnt she say hi?" Yugyeom says.

"I think she wants to sit on JK's lap." BamBam says and zooms in on Jungkooks face.

It was enough for me. He has been calling me non stop, I dont know what to feel, I feel hurt and maybe jealous. I mean I saw what I saw. Sitting on mine bed drawing some anime characters I zoom in on the picture. "Lisa!" I hear Jisoo call me.

"Neh?" I shout back, standing up after the second time she calls me I open the door. "What?" I ask.

"Jungkook is here." Jennie says pointing at the front door. I shake mine head.

"Im not here." I whisper. "I dont want to see him." I say and nodd  going back in mine room closing the door. I hear Jisoo talking to him. He tries to be nice  but then I hear him shouting mine name.

"She doesnt want to see you." I hear Jennie say. "No Jungkook!" Jenny says then mine room door opened. Jungkook standing tall looking at me. "Im sorry Lisa." Jennie says giving Jungkook a death glare. He closes the door and walks up to me.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asks frustrated. I chuckle.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Because mine fuckin girlfriend is ignoring me, tell me." He licks his lips.

"You dont remember anything do you?" I chuckle shaking mine head.

"What are you talking about?" He asks. "I called you so many times today, what happened?" He really doesnt know.

"Yesterday." I begin. "What happened?"

He looks to the floor and then our eyes meet. "I met up with the boys, what else." He says. "Hey I didnt do anything! I dont know why you act like this Lisa." Yeah you didnt so anything.

"Please come back and talk to me when you know about your own actions Jungkook." I say, he walks closer to me.

"Tell me." He whisperes holding me by mine waist, but I push him away.

"Please go." I say.

"What?" He closes his eyes. "Look Lisa, I fucking didnt do anything okay!" He inhales. "Stop dling this to us!" He now shouts. I close mine eyes for a second.

"Leave please." I whisper. "Come back when you can explain yourself." I say

"Explain what? Nothing happened." He says frustrated.

"I saw it Jungkook!" I say now harshly. "Dont say nothing happened it did!" I say. He looks confused.

"What video? What happened?" He asks trying to hold mine hands but I dodge it.

"Please go." I say.

"Lis, I was drunk...-" he starts but I shake mine head.

"Thats not an excuse Jungkook." I whisper. He nodds looking down, fixes his har and walks trowars the door.

"Just tell me baby " he says as he exhales. Shaking mine head I lick mine lips.

"I will call you later if thats okay." He says and walks out of mine room. Closing mine eyes I sigh, how could it happen, how can he not know?


Hey yalll,

Ive been feeling not well lately, but Im doing my best to write as much as I can. My legg hurt, so I can sit or lay or turn. I dont know what it is. But I have been crying alot lately....

But enough drama about me lol..

Have a nice day, night depens where you are.

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