Chapter 16

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Lucy POV

I skipped over to Frypan's in hope to find food. Chuck was leaned up against the door of Frypan's, his eyes gazed off into space. A smile crept into his face as I got closer."Hey Lucy!" He chuckled. "Hey Chuck," I chuckled back. I leaned against the wall beside him and began to play with my bottle. The sun reflected off the diamond bottle as I titled it in different directions.

"Umm... Lucy?" He said as he scratched the back of his head. My eyes met his and smiled even more.

"Listen...umm... I know we have only know each other for a short time but... Umm... I was wondering if...-" he stuttered. Before he could finish, I nodded my head.

"You will?! That is wonderful!" He said. He crushed me in a hug and sighed. I put my arms around his shoulders and closed my eyes. His hug was warm and comforting but very tight at the same time. It was... Nice!

Susan POV


"Watch where you are going Susan. You could get hurt," he snickered. I huffed and then stopped over Minho.

"HEY!!! YOU CAN WALK!" He said excitedly. He scooped me up and hugged me tightly.

"Yeah, I can," I mumbled.

"What is up with Gally today?" He asked."what's up with the 'watch where you are going Susan. You could get hurt' business?"

"I... don't want to talk about it right now. I am... going to take a walk-"I mumbled but was interrupted by the Greenie alarm.

"What the HECK?" Minho exclaimed. I bolted over to the box and stood over the opening. Gally and Alby pulled the doors open and Newt jumped inside.

"What is it?"
"Is it another girl?"
"Is she hot?"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Alby screamed.

"I don't know what it is..." Newt said. He climbed back out with a large case with the name Susan embroidered on the front. I walked over to it and picked it up.

"We need to take that to the homestead to examine it," Alby said.

"NO!" I said. Gally walked over to me and ripped it out of my hand. I grasped the handle of it tightly and let him jolt me forward. I pushed him backwards and bolted towards DeadHeads. I ran to the pond that Gally threw me into and sat down on the shore. The case flew open and revealed a guitar. Don't ask me how I knew what it was. I reached inside and pulled it out.

Strum strum strum

"It started out as a feeling

Which then grew into a hope

Which then turned into a quiet

Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder

'Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back when you call me

No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing

Doesn't mean it's never been this way before" I sang but was interrupted my a hand clamping over my mouth.

"Shh... It is just me," said the voice. Minho...

"Hi... How long have you been standing there?" I asked. He smirked and then began to laugh.

"What is so funny?" I asked him.

"Oh... just... the entire time!" He laughed. Was he laughing at me? Was I bad? I shielded my face with my hands and felt small tears trickle down my cheeks.

"Hey... why are you crying? Baby, don't cry. Please don't cry. You are gonna make me cry," he whispered. His arms wrapped around me and he pried the guitar out of my hands. He pulled me into his lap and cooed me.

"Am... I honestly... that... bad?" I cried.

"No...You are not bad...You are beautiful, love," He cooed. His fingers wiped the tears from my cheeks. I smiled up at him and rested my head on his chest.

"You look tired. Let's get you back to your room," he said as he stood up from the log.

The next thing I knew, I was lying in my bed with Minho lying beside me. His arms were around my waist and his delicate chin was on my head and his beautiful eyes were closed.

'Sometimes, it's all to much

The worlds gone mad

I'm out of touch

That's when I drift away

Remember good times and special days

No place like home

My saving grace

Thad when I drift away...' And with that, I fell asleep.


"HEY SUSAN!!! GUESS WHAT?!?!?!" Lucy yelled excitedly.

"What..." I asked tiredly.

"Chuck and I are dating!" She squealed.



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