Chapter 4

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The next 4 days I laid in darkness. No sound, no feeling, no taste... Nothing. All there was was the sadness seeping through out my body and the pain in my head. It pounded every time I tried to pry my eyes open. I would scream at myself and cry inside."Wake Up!!! WaKe Up!!! WAKE UP!!! WAAAKEEE UUUPPPPP!!!" I would constantly scream at myself. It was no use. The darkness would still fill my vision, and silence would surround me.

At one point, I thought I could feel a single tear drop onto my face. Gally. I had to let him know I was ok. I needed to wake up!!! My body was numb but I needed to fight. I needed to move. I thought I felt a scream escape my lips. It was working. I tried harder and harder to open my eyes. My arm began to move slowly. I shakily lifted my hand to my eye and began to pry it open. Soon after, my other followed and I was able to see. My arm soon gave out again, but I could see. The rest of my body was still. My eyes could move and so could my mouth. I looked from left to right in search of Gally or newt or Minho or anyone. There was no one in sight. I tried to sit up but fell back in serving pain almost instantly.

"Help!..." I cried. I was in so much pain. My eyes opened wide as I watched newt and Gally run into the room. Gally stopped at the door and stared into my eyes. Newt ran to me and checked my pulse before dragging Gally over to me. He slowly kneeled down beside me and grasped my hand. I had enough energy to squeeze it slightly. He smiled before moving his hand to my head. He set his hand on my wound and removed it quickly. There was a small layer of blood rubbed on the surface of his palm.

"She is bleeding again..."He said. Newt jogged over to a spruce cupboard and removed a bottle, a syringe, a bandage and cloth. He walked over to me and asked Gally to hold me still. Gally nodded and smoothly pulled my head to his chest. Newt took the syringe and filled it with the liquid in the bottle. He lightly wiped my wound clean before injecting my with the liquid. I groaned in pain, but Gally shushed me and held me tighter. Then Newt rapped my head in the bandage and then walked out of the room slowly.

"I am just going to leave you too... Alone..." He said as he backed out of the room. I tilted my head towards Gally as he talked.

"It is all my fault. You would not have been in the pit if I hadn't attacked you. Why did I have to be so stupid."

"You are not stupid, Gally. I was being stupid. I was the one trying to escape." I said. He looked down at the ground.


"Nope," I interrupted.


"Nada," I interrupted again.

"Susan," he whined.

"It... Was Not... Your Fault..." I said slowly.

There was a slight pause before I asked a question.

"Why are you being so nice to me?You are normally big and strong and manly, but your not acting that way. Why?"

"Umm... I don't know how to explain..."

"Explain in anyway you fell comfortable explaining..." I said.

"Umm... Ok... Does this answer your question?" he said.

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Then he leaned in. His lips touched mine. The feeling was so... Different then anything I had ever felt before. It felt magical!!!


Woah... Who is that and what have they done with Gally. Lol. Jk. Please comment and vote on my story. That would be greatly appreciated!!!

- mackaygirlTB

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