Staff: "Nice choice" she smiles.

Staff: "and do you realise you have to play your own material on the night if you get accepted, so I hope you've wrote some songs haha." My stomach dropped.

Y/n: "pfft yeh totally, I just don't know what one to play". I lied, I've never wrote a song before.

Staff: "okay well just pick the one that comes to mind first, you're number 78, enjoy and good luck!" She smiles as she dismisses me.

Goddamn, why didn't it say on the leaflet! How the fuck am I meant to think of a song in 1 day? Well, I have to get in first before I have to worry.

An hour passes and I'm sitting right at the front in a waiting room, looking around at all of these bands going in and out, some come out angry at each other and sad or exited while jumping around. But there were only a few that came out happy so far which scares me. They're gonna be cut-throat. And I'm next.

Staff member: "Number 78, y/n Hamlet?, please come through". A man shouts as I anxiously get up and wipe the sweat of my palms onto my jeans.

I walk through and see the 3 judges sitting in front waiting for me to prepare.

Judge 1: "So, y/n, what will you be playing for us? I see you haven't got a band, don't disappoint us."

Jesus, but rude.

Y/n: "Im playing shock me by kiss" I say stepping closer to mic.

The judge nods and gives a gesture for me to start.

I begin playing, I'm not thinking about anything else at this point apart from focusing on this and impressing the judges. I begin singing the lyrics with my raspy but soothing voice.

I occasionally lift my head up to look at the judges and they seem pretty satisfied. So i start getting comfortable with myself and the stage, I'm getting into it more, tapping my foot and squinting my eyes as I feel the music. I'm practically nailing the solo until I hear screaming of a woman coming from outside the room.

I peak through the glass of the door and see my mom. Oh for fuck sake.

Mom: "No! That is my daughter in there! I want her out! she is not doing this!" She yells, but luckily the security is covering the door.

She's really putting me off and I hate her so much for it. But luckily the song is starting to finish and the judges start to clap loudly while standing up.

They all smile at me when the sit down, whispering into each others ears and writing things down. I'm patiently waiting for their answers, eyeing the ground, but i lift my head up as one speaks.

Judge 2: " Thankyou very much y/n, you've impressed us and we loved it!" My eyes light up in joy from the judges words.

Judge 3: "unfortunately..." oh hell no. The sparkle in my eyes had now disappeared.

Judge 1: "you have to be in a band, hence the name 'Battle Of The Bands'. So we're gonna have to let you go, sorry". Urm what the fuck? Hang on, nah I'm not letting this happen to me.

Y/n: "So why did you let me play in the first place?" They all look confused.

Judge 1: "What?" He says confused.

Y/n: "why did you let me play when you saw I didn't have a band? You didn't seem to have a problem at the start. Don't waste my time like that." I say angrily while unplugging wires from my guitar. But before I could fully pack up, someone stops me.

James: "hey y/n! Sorry we're late" I'm so confused. James turns to the judges.

James: "Basically the rest of the band was late, we were in traffic, please can we start over and do the real audition?" James says in believable way. He looks at me and winks.

The judges look at each other and just nod their heads.

Judge 1: "uh sure, what are you going to play?" He asks.

James: "children of the grave by black sabbath." He says as the boys walk on stage, I sudden rush of happiness bursts in my chest, these guys are actually doing this for me? What the fuccckk!!

I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Kirk smiling holding my guitar, ready to hand it to me.

Kirk: "Here you go" he says handing me the guitar, Kirk fist bumps me and secretly asks if I knew the song, I smiled and nodded.

James: "Okay y/n, wanna start?"

Y/n: "yeah sure" I take a few breaths in and out and begin down picking the top string. James joins in, then Kirk, then Cliff and then Lars. It all sounds so good with 3 guitars and we're all smiling and head banging.

Cliff is so into it, his hair is going everywhere, Kirk is into it just as much but he keeps looking me up and down. And I'm getting hella butterflies in my stomach. James is smiling at me and his singing is so good. And Lars... well let's just say he's liking his lips a lot.

Kirk and I began playing the solo together, without rehearsing it, Kirk and I both look up at each other and start smiling like mad. We both get closer together with one of his legs behind me and on in front. We both were so in time it was great.

After the solo we backed up and still were smiling. The song was coming to an end and the judges looked impressed.

Judge 1/2/3: "you're in!"

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