Chapter 33

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Aria and Gally were standing in front of the big building and were looking for a suitable entrance when the girl heard a loud splash. The girl looked up at the building and saw a large hole in one of the windows. Confused, she looked at Gally, who shrugged. The girl focused on the window and took a few steps. When three figures jumped out the window.

"There they are," Aria called to Gally, who was looking up next to the girl. Both walked slowly towards the pool of water. The three figures submerged in the water and came up again. One of the people looked up at the window and put out his middle finger. Aria grinned. The three swam to the edge of the pool and got out.

"Minho, you're okay?" She heard Thomas' familiar voice ask.

"Yeah.", Answered the addressed. Aria ran forward and joined the soldiers who ran towards the three with their guns raised.

"You three, don't move.", A soldier yelled at the three, "Take it easy." Aria saw Thomas want to grab his pistol.

But another soldier yelled at him, "Uh-uh-uh. Don't even think about it. Get on your knees with your hands in the air."

Aria rolled her eyes and turned to the soldiers. Within a few seconds, the soldiers were twitching on the ground. "You son of a bitch." One of the soldiers gasped.

Aria ran up to the soldier and took off her helmet. "Daughter of a bitch.", She winked at him and kicked him in the stomach.

"Didn't we make it up to be inconspicuous?" Gally said to the girl.

"Shut up, LyLy.", Aria rolled her eyes and turned to the three boys.

"Hey.", She waved smiling, "Haven't we decided to meet up at Brenda's?"

"Sorry, Aria." Thomas grinned apologetically at her.

"You guys are nuts." Gally cut in and took off his helmet.

"Gally?" Minho asked confused. Aria grinned at Gally.

"Minho.", The boy nodded to Minho and started walking. Aria smiled at the three boys and ran after Gally.

"I'll explain later.", The girl heard Thomas say before he ran after the two of them. Newt and Minho followed.

"We have to get out of here," Aria called to Gally.

"I know," Gally looked at the girl.

"Through the tunnels." Aria asked him. Gally nodded to her. "Hurry up," she yelled at the guys who were running behind her. A helicopter hovered over the group and Aria ran towards one of the small stone walls. She sat down, panting, and looked up. A car rushed past the group with a loud siren and Aria ducked behind the stone wall.

"Well, they're definitely pissed." Gally sighed and looked over at Aria, who was kneeling next to Minho and Newt.

"How far are the tunnels?" Asked Thomas.

"Maybe 12 blocks from here.", Gally answered him. Aria put a hand on Newt's knee when he started coughing. "We can make it." She heard Gally say.

"Newt?" Asked the girl. He looked up at her in anguish. "Everything will be fine," she smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?", Minho knelt next to the blond-haired boy.

"Terrible." The boy replied.

"It's good to see you though.", Newt gasped and put his hand on Minho's shoulder. Minho nodded and ran over to Gally and Thomas. Aria hugged Newt with a sigh. The boy put his head on her chest, panting. "You got the serum. Didn't you?" He asked the girl.

"Aris stabbed me in the neck when I wanted to shoot myself." Aria smiled.

"Newt.", She said seriously and looked at him, "You have to stay strong. I know you can do it."

"Hey, Newt. Come on, bud. We gotta get you up. Let's go.", Thomas pulled the boy up while Aria helped him.

"You okay?" Aria asked the boy when he almost lost his balance.

"Yeah.", Newt answered panting. Aria put an arm around his waist and kept walking with him in her arms. Thomas supported Newt on the other side and walked on with Aria and Newt between the two.

The five kept walking when an explosion rang out. "We're supposed to take down WICKED, not the whole damn city.", Gally said and looked at the explosion.

"Gally, come on.", Said Thomas and slowly walked on. Minho followed the three.

"Aria, I'll pick up Newt. Come on," Minho said to the girl. Aria looked at him and nodded. Minho took Newt's side and ran on with Thomas, while Aria and Gally ran ahead with their guns raised.

"Tunnels are right ahead.", Aria said over her shoulder.

"Shit.", Gally cursed, "Hey! Stay low! Stay low!" Aria hunched forward and leaned against the small wall.

Several WICKED cars were parked on the street, waiting for something. The car sirens wailed. Aria saw Thomas walking around the corner, pressed against the wall, and looked what was going on. After a few seconds he came back, which gave Aria a sigh of relief.

"Get ready." One of the soldiers yelled.

"All right, move up! Move up! Frontline down!" Yelled another.

"Damn it.", Gally sighed and sat down against the wall.

"What are they waiting for?" Asked Minho. Aria winced as an explosion rang out and several screams rang out.

"Question answered?", She looked at Minho, who nodded with wide open eyes.

"Get down! Get down!" Aria instructed the others as more explosions sounded. Gunshots and the screams of the people hit rang out, making Aria flinch.

"Stay down.", She yelled at Newt and pressed closer to Minho, who was sitting next to her.

When another explosion rang out, Gally yelled at the others, "We gotta go. We gotta go."

"Come on. Let's move, let's move.", Aria yelled at Thomas, who was supporting Newt with Minho. Aria ran ahead and led the group into a shabby shop.

"Get him in. Get him in.", Thomas called.

"Brenda, are you there?" Aria asked on the radio when another explosion rang out, throwing her backwards.

"Aria. I'm here.", Aria heard Brenda.

"We're not gonna make it." Aria called into the radio.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Brenda asked over the radio.

"Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can." Aria gasped.

"No." Brenda replied.

"Brenda." Aria sighed.

"I'm not leaving you. Okay? So forget it.", Brenda spoke over the radio.

"Even though you should?", Aria asked with a sigh and tucked a strand behind her ear.

"Aria, don't worry. I'm coming to you." Brenda yelled over the radio.

"What are you talking about?", Aria asked confused and sat up.

"Our ride's here.", Brenda laughed on the radio, "Just look for us near the tunnels."

Aria lowered the radio and looked at Gally. "We gotta go.", Aria shouted and got up.


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