Chapter 25

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"Brenda, we're coming up behind! Keep them busy," shouted Thomas into the radio.

"Hang on!" Vince yelled and drove faster. Aria held on to one of the bars that were fastened in front of her, while Thomas held onto the off-road vehicle with one hand and held Aria's hip with the other. Aria sat on his lap because that way she could get out of the car faster than if she were in the back seat. She was excited. Today was the day they would free Aris, Minho and Sonya. She would see her brother again. Vince got on the rails and followed the train.

"This is crazy, Aria!" Vince yelled at her as he took off on the train. Aria rolled her eyes and focused on the train. Thomas looked briefly at Vince and then back to the front. Thomas unbuckled his seatbelt when Aria was already climbing out of the car and balanced on the motorbike hood. She grabbed the rope with the hook and nodded to Vince. Then the girl turned her gaze back to the front.

"Get me closer.", She yelled at Vince. So Vince drove even faster. The train came closer and closer and she jumped onto the ladder of the train, rope in hand. She tied the rope and nodded to the two men in the car. Thomas grinned at her and climbed onto the hood like Aria had done before. Then he jumped next to her.

"Come on, Vince!" He yelled at Vince when Vince was still in the car. Meanwhile, Aria had already made her way on the train and ran forward. The wind blew her hair off her face and she ran faster. She looked around frantically when she heard the familiar hum of a berg.

"Be careful, Brenda!" The girl yelled into her radio when she saw the berg attacking Jorge and Brenda. Aria turned around quickly and saw Vince and Thomas running towards them. "Come on!" She yelled at them and hurried on. With quick steps she hurried on. She heard Thomas and Vince running behind her. Then she saw several guards sprint towards them.

"Vince, disconnect the train!" She yelled at him when the two of them got to her. She took out her pistol and jumped after Vince. "Give me the bag!" Vince yelled at Thomas while Aria kept an eye on the guards. Thomas tossed the bag to Vince and then jumped down and ran to Aria. She shot when the first guards came into view. Thomas helped her.

"Vince?" Thomas yelled at him and looked back when Aria shot another guard.

"We're set! Cover your ass! Take cover," he yelled back. Aria looked briefly at Thomas and shot another guard. Then she ran to Vince and jumped on the other train and climbed the ladder a little so that Thomas, who was right behind her, could get to safety. She screwed up her eyes when there was a small explosion and the train compartments parted. Grinning, she looked down at Thomas, who was looking up at her. When the train stopped, Thomas jumped off the train and Aria followed him. She watched the moving train, which slowly stopped. Thomas whistled once and Vince yelled, "Newt!"

Aria turned to the train compartments and knocked on them. "Aris?", She shouted, "Minho?! Sonya!"

"Minho? Minho! Can you hear me?" Shouted Thomas and knocked on the train like Aria. The children screamed and shook their chains. Among the screams she heard the kid's loud screams.

"This one! This one!", She yelled at Newt, who had come with his gas bottle. He nodded to her and put on his glasses. Aria set off again and looked at the guards who stormed out of the now stopped train.

"Oh shit! It's gonna be close!", Vince Thomas clapped on the shoulder and left Aria and Thomas alone. "We'll do it, Thomas," she said to him when she saw his haunted look. He gave her a pained smile and turned away.

Together with Thomas and Vince she climbed onto the train and fastened the ropes. "Newt, how you doing?" She heard Thomas scream as she tied one of the ropes.

"Don't rush me!" She heard the boy reply, which made her laugh.

"I'll cover Newt.", She yelled at the two and jumped off the train when the first shots rang out. She quickly took out her revolver and stood in front of Newt. Aria shot the guards that were coming.

"Newt! Aria! Get up there!" Shouted Thomas from the train. "Almost there." Newt replied back. Aria narrowed her eyes as she shot the nearest guard. When Vince jumped next to her and helped her shoot the guards.

"Newt, go!" Shouted Aria when she saw that he was done. "Vince! Get up!" Aria yelled at him and shot one of the guards. He nodded to her and climbed the ladder. She continued firing as the berg flew over her and dropped the heel. Aria ran back and forth, seeking shelter in the intermediate compartment of the trains, reloading her revolver. She peeked out and fired at the guards again.

"Aria! Get up here!" Vince yelled at her from above. She sighed and gave up her protection and ran towards one of the ladders. She climbed up to the others as quickly as possible. She screamed when a bullet pierced her arm and shimmy down one arm. "Newt!" She exclaimed in anguish as he looked down at her. "You can do it, Aria!" He yelled at her. She looked at him in pain and tried to get up with one arm. More shots rang out next to her and she pressed herself against the train wall. Panting, she climbed on when an arm reached out to her. She took it gratefully and was pulled out of the line of fire.

"Yeah!" Shouted Thomas as they flew. Whimpering, Aria grabbed her arm and looked at her fingers. They were full of blood. More and more blood oozed from her gunshot wound.

"Are you okay, Aria?" Newt asked her.

"Alright.", She smiled at him crookedly and clutched her arm.

"Sure?" He asked.

"Sure!", she nodded.


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