Chapter 31

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"Why do I always have to do the stupid things?" Aria nagged as the others got ready.

"You stay here and guard the recordings so that you can show us the way when we are in the building.", Thomas explained to the girl for what felt like a thousandth time.

"But I also want to go into the building.", She grumbled on.

"Aria, you are infected. Brenda will come here first when she has the serum." Said Thomas and looked into the girl's ice-blue eyes, which threatened to sink every time he looked into them. Aria sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Newt is also infected and can still go with you.", The girl said angrily and pointed to the blond-haired one who was standing next to Teresa and Gally.

"Aria! You stay here! End of discussion.", Thomas said decisively. Then the boy turned and walked over to Teresa without looking back, pulling her with him. Aria looked after him angrily.

"Then I'll have to take it into my own hands.", She sighed and grinned.


When the others had all left, Aria was the only one left in the church. She was in the WICKED uniform and just pocketed a couple of the pistols. She put her radio in one of the pockets on the uniform. She nodded to herself in the mirror she was standing in front of and put on her helmet. Then she marched quietly out of the church. On the deserted street she crept on until she stood in front of the gully where Thomas and the others had also disappeared. She sighed and jumped into the darkness. With slow steps she felt her way along the wall and after a few meters came to a stop. She climbed the ladder and quickly got out of the sewer. It was a few blocks from the large WICKED building.

Sighing, Aria ran on and sneaked into a group of soldiers who ran into the building's underground car park. After a few minutes she separated from the group and ran through a glass gate into the building. Aria looked around briefly before hurrying up a flight of stairs. She was standing in the middle of a corridor. The corridor was slightly lit and at the end of the corridor was a large automatically opening door. SUBLEVEL 3 stood against the wall and Aria started to grin.

She hadn't thought that it would be that easy.

She shrugged her shoulders and continued walking toward the gate with her gun loaded. With quick steps she ran towards the gate. She was just about to open the gate when it opened by itself and another soldier stood in front of her. Aria raised her gun and pulled the trigger. The man went to the ground with a twitch. Aria wasted no time and ran further into the room and shot at the men who were sitting at the desks. The girl kept shooting at the men until no one moved. Sighing, she ran further into the room. She stopped in front of one of the men who was panting on the floor.

"The vault! How do I get in?", She asked him and held her gun to his head.

"You can't.", The man replied, panting, which made Aria sigh. Without further ado, she shot the man.

The girl ran to one of the cells and looked through a small window, a couple of boys were hunched down on the floor and looked at her fearfully. She smiled under the helmet and opened the door. "Come on. Let's go.", She said to the boys. The girl ran away from the cell and ran to the next and freed the children who were locked in it. After a few minutes she freed all of the children.

"Who are you?" She heard one of the boys ask.

"Your savior.", Aria smiled and took off the helmet.

"Aria?" Asked Aris.

"Hello Aris.", She smiled at him. Grinning, she ran up to him and hugged him deeply. She smiled happily at him. "We have to wait for four more people before we can get out of here.", Aria said and smiled into the faces of the children.

"Aris? Where is Minho?" She asked her brother when she couldn't see her childhood friend.

"He was picked up by one of the soldiers a few hours ago," Aris said quietly.

"Shit!", Aria exclaimed and ran towards one of the computers. Aria looked at the computer screen and saw four people running past in one of the security cameras. She pressed one of the buttons and the gate opened. Teresa looked confused when she saw the soldiers lying on the floor and the children standing around free.

"Didn't think it would take you that long," said Aria, looking up at the group.

"Aria!", Gally called out and took off his helmet, "We have arranged that you stay in the church."

"Yeah, but it was so cold there.", Aria shrugged and continued to look at the computer monitor.

"Couldn't you have done what we told you?" Exclaimed Thomas and ran into the room.

"I won't let you have the fun while I'm dying of boredom," the girl muttered. "Gally, you can't go into the vault. You have to saw through the door somehow." Aria told him, concentrating on the screen.

"I've got him!" She exclaimed happily.

"Who? Where is Minho anyway?" Newt asked and looked around.

"Who do you think I was talking about?", Aria asked him annoyed, "Somebody moved Minho to the medical wing."

"Thomas, that's on the other side of the building.", Teresa replied.

"Okay. Take me to him. Right now." Said Thomas and looked at Teresa.

"All right. I'm coming with you.", Newt said and grabbed one of the guns.

"Newt, no you're not. You have to stay her, wait with Gally for the serum.", Said Thomas.

"You can't do this on your own. Minho comes first, remember?" Newt nodded to him and turned around.

"Just go. We're wasting time. I'll get the serum. We'll meet you out back.", Gally interfered.

"Okay, fine. Let's go. Come on.", Thomas sighed and grabbed Teresa.

"Hey Tommy!", Aria shouted, "Good luck!" Thomas smiled at the girl before he left the room.


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