Chapter 22

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Aria ran quickly to the child who seemed like another girl, and took off the blood aspirator. Then she loosened the breathing tube around her mouth and the tubes that were hanging from her head and opened the ropes that held her. She slumped into her arms. Aria staggered back under her weight and almost lost her balance when someone grabbed her hip and stood her up again. Aria turned around briefly and smiled at him.

It was Thomas who caught her.

Then she turned back to the girl who was still in her arms. Aria put her gently on the floor and checked her pulse. She was freezing cold and only breathed lightly. So Aria took off her black jacket, which she always wore, and placed it over the ice-cold girl.

"We have all," she heard Harriet call out.

"Did you check their pulse?" Asked Mary. Occasional nodded and others denied.

"We have to fetch water. The children have definitely not received anything for days. We also have to discuss how we can move on with all the children," Aria sighed.

"I'll come with you," said Harriet, and ran to her friend.

"Me too," Frypan smiled at her. Aria smiled back slightly.

"Okay. The rest of you are checking the kids' pulse. We'll get Vince." Aria said to the group.

"Come on," she waved to Frypan and Harriet. Together they ran quickly up the stairs and down the long corridor. As Aria stepped out of the building, the cold wind came towards her and she shivered. Shivering, she ran behind Frypan and Harriet, who were running in front of her. The headlights shone from the building over the fenced off area. So they could see the outline of the fence well. Aria wrapped her arms around her body, hoping that it would make her warmer when someone put a jacket over her shoulders. The warmth of the jacket enveloped her and a pleasant masculine scent emanated from it. Aria turned her head to one side in confusion. Sparkling chocolate eyes beamed at her. A smile played around his mouth and his hair was disheveled in the wind.

Turning red, she gave him a thankful smile. "Thanks." she said softly.

"No problem, Aria.", Smiled Thomas.

"Aria! You are fine.", A voice called out to us from afar. Vince ran up to her and pulled her into a hug. Shivering, she leaned against him and enjoyed his warm body, which warmed hers up a bit.

"What did you find?" He asked, breaking free from the embrace.

"About twenty children," sighed Harriet.

"Twenty?" Vince tore out his eyes in disbelief.

"That was probably exactly WICKED's plan. Nobody would think that there was anything important in such a small and unguarded building.", Thomas said, shaking his head.

"The children are totally hypothermic and must be hungry and thirsty," Aria explained.

"Then we have to get the blankets and sleeping bags and some food and drink from the cars.", Vince determined.

"We could sleep in the building overnight. It would certainly be safer than in the cars. Besides, we'd be right with the children if one woke up or was scared," the girl said.

"OK, guys! Grab the blankets and sleeping bags and something to eat and bring it into the building. We have to stay together in case something happens.", Vince called and ran ahead.

The girl followed him immediately and ran next to him. They ran towards the fence. Vince crawled down first, she followed him. Aria hissed as she slipped through the fence and cut a piece of the fence into the gunshot wound and ripped open her skin. She suppressed a scream. The girl felt the blood flow down her stomach. She sat up with a hiss and hobbled after Vince. More and more blood flowed from the wound and her eyes felt dizzy. Black spots danced before her eyes. She swayed.

"Are you okay, Aria?" she heard a voice ask next to her. The girl just nodded and kept walking. Her vision became more and more blurry and she had trouble keeping her eyes open. Aria couldn't keep her balance and fell down the hill the group just ran up. She heard screams, but they were too far away. It was like drowning. With an effort she opened her eyes again and again and saw the outlines of people running towards her. She groaned and held her stomach.

"Aria?" She heard a voice from far away. Aria wanted to say something, but not a word left her mouth. The girl was paralyzed. Aria was no longer herself over her body. Her eyes closed and the blackness enveloped her.


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