Chapter 23

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Tired, the girl opened her eyes and shining light blinded her. Aria immediately closed her eyes again. She mumbled unintelligible words to herself and held her hand over her eyes. The lights no longer blinded her. Sighing, Aria straightened up. "Aria! You are finally awake!", Called a voice from the left. The girl rubbed her face and looked to the left. Harriet sat before her with a concerned look.

"How long have I been gone?" She asked quietly.

"Three days. Mary sewed up your wound by the way.", Harriet smiled lovingly at her.

"Three days?" she exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah. Sometimes a few thought that you wouldn't wake up at all.", She sighed.

"What about the kids?" Aria asked and lay back on the cot. "Where are we here anyway?"

"In the hiding place that leads to the safe haven. The kids are fine. A few have already asked about you," she giggled.

"What time is it?" she asked further.

"The sun has just come up. I was on watch overnight. So that you don't get up when you wake up. Instructions from Mary," Harriet shrugged.

"Thanks, Harriet. Where's Vince?" she smiled.

"He would still have to sleep. Like everyone here.", She laughed.

The girl nodded then she sat up. "Did Gally ask for me?" she asked quietly.

"He's been calling me or Vince every hour since Lawrence told him you were in a line of fire," she laughed.

"He did what? That little asshole." Aria exclaimed angrily and got up with a jerk.

"Aria. You should rest.", Harriet shouted after her, but by then the girl had already rushed out of the room. She paused in surprise. A hall stretched in front of her, which was padded with camp beds, hammocks and sleeping bags. Aria ran on furiously. She hopped over children curled up in their sleeping bags on the floor. She crossed the hall and opened the door where the radios and weapons were stored. A triumphant smile crept onto her face, which quickly turned into a face contorted with anger.

"Aria!" she heard Harriet call softly behind her. Harriet was just walking through the hall and was only a few meters away from Aria. The girl ignored them and walked towards one of the radios. They were all labeled. 'WCKD', 'Lawrence', 'Vince', 'Spies', 'Headquarters'. She grabbed the one that said 'Lawrence' and radioed him.

"Lawrence!" she said angrily into the radio.

Immediately a response echoed from the radio, "Aria! Nice to hear you again. How are you?"

"You little asshole! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY IT LYLY EVEN I HAVE EXPRESSLY TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL HIM! LAWRENCE, I REQUEST AN EXPLANATION!" the girl yelled into the radio. She didn't care that she probably woke up the others now. Harriet put a cautious hand on her shoulder. Aria shook it off in anger.

"Aria! That wasn't on purpose! I uh accidentally uh slipped out," replied Lawrence.

"Sure! You don't believe yourself!" she exclaimed angrily and rammed one of the knives into the table in front of her.

"It really wasn't on purpose, Aria," he said again.

"Is he okay?" she said more calmly.

"Who?" Asked Lawrence, confused.

"JANSON!" the girl exclaimed angrily.

"What do you want from Janson? You hate him!" Said Lawrence.

"THAT WAS SARCASM! I MEAN LYLY, YOU IDIOT!" she shouted annoyed.

"Calm down, Aria. He's doing great." Lawrence sighed.

"Don't ever tell me when to calm down, Lawrence!" she called, slamming the radio down on the table. Angry, she turned and left the room.

The girl ignored the tired and confused faces of the kids, the angry face of Mary, the relieved face of Vince and and ran out of the building. The sun was shining on her face as she stepped out. She took a deep breath. The sound of the sea sounded and she sighed. Aria heard the screeching of some seagulls flying over her head. Lost in thought, she ran up to a group of logs around a fireplace. Sighing, she ran through her light brown hair and sat down. The girl saw the sea dreamily. The sun made the sea glitter and the waves hit the surf. It had a calming effect on her. Aria sighed and thought of her brother.

WICKED had him back and she didn't want to lose him again for so long. She had to save him. Just like Sonya. She was such a lovely person, she didn't deserve any of this. Had Sonya gone to the safe haven, she would not have been caught. It was Aria's fault she was back at WICKED. If she hadn't made friends with Sonya, she would now be in a safe haven. Aria sobbed angrily. It was her fault.

She couldn't even save her best friend. Minho was also back in WICKED's captivity. Aria didn't want to know what they were doing to him. He didn't deserve this. Nobody had that.

Why does WICKED always have to take everything away from her? Everything she love, WICKED takes away from her. First Minho, then her brother and her father, now again Sonya, Aris and Minho. And they wanted to shoot Mary. Mary would be dead too if Aria hadn't thrown herself in the gunshot. She almost lost Mary too. The girl sobbed and ran through her hair upset.

Nobody would suffer anymore or lose anyone to WICKED. Aria would make sure of that.


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