Chapter 9

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"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! It's time," the little girl yelled, hopping around on her parents' bed.

Today was their annual family day. Every year they would spend a whole day with just the family, doing everything together. Her brother was standing by the door and laughing when her parents got up, grumbling.

"Aria! Can we get some more sleep?" Her dad grumbled and buried his face in his pillow.

"No! The sun is already awake. So you can do that too." The girl stomped angrily and jumped off the bed to open the curtains that had darkened her parents' bedroom. She opened it jerkily and the bright rays of the sun lit the room.

"Aria. It's four in the morning!" Grumbled her mommy.

"I don't care. Today is family day. So finally wake up!" the girl grinned happily.

"Give us five minutes. You can prepare breakfast.", her dad yawned and sat up drowsy.

She nodded eagerly and happily hopped into the kitchen, pulling her brother behind her. "I want pancakes." The girl said immediately.

"Like always?" Her brother asked with a grin.

"Like always!" She nodded with a smile.

Giggling, her brother took out the ingredients and mixed the batter together. Since she didn't know how to do it, she watched or stole some of the delicious dough. "Don't eat all of the dough, Ari.", He admonished his sister when she wanted to dip her finger into the dough again.

She pouted and watched as he prepared the pancakes. It smelled like heaven in the kitchen. The girls mouth watered just thinking about the pancakes. "Set the table already, Ari.", her brother ordered her. She nodded eagerly and hopped off the counter her brother had sat her on. Humming, she fetched the glasses, the plates and the cutlery and put them on the table. Then she heaved herself onto one of the chairs and distributed a glass, a plate and a knife to each of them. Then she jumped up and balanced the vase of flowers her brother and she had picked before the table and placed it in the centre. Satisfied with her work, the girl hopped back to her big brother and watched him make the pancakes.

"Can I try a piece?" she begged, pointing to the golden brown pancake. Her brother looked at her lovingly with his clear blue eyes that resembled hers.

"Ari! There will be breakfast soon.", He sighed.

"I want to. Just a little bit," she said begging.

"Just very small," she said when he looked at her doubtfully. He sighed, tore off a small piece of a pancake, and handed it to his sister. She looked at the pancake with big ones and devoured it with one big bite. She chewed with her cheeks full and held her thumb up. "Peerfecd." the girl muttered with her mouth full. He smiled lovingly at his sister and she hopped around him, smacking her lips.

"My little one, you made an effort," said her mommy as she walked into the kitchen in her pyjamas.

"I only tried the pancakes to see if they were good." the girl nodded eagerly. Her mommy laughed and gently stroked her daughters dark blonde hair. The girl looked up at her mother and smiled at her. Her wonderful laugh came as her dad hugged her mother from behind. She snuggled up against him and closed her eyes.

"Don't fall asleep, Mommy. There is food.", the girl grinned and laughed and ran to the table on which the pancakes were already standing. She sat happily on her chair and looked at her parents, waiting. Her brother sat next to her and her parents sat across from her. The girl grabbed a pancake and smeared honey on it. 

"My little honey bear!" Laughed her dad as she ate the pancake.

"Are we going to the playground again?" she asked, smacking her lips. 

"Unfortunately that won't work this year.", Smiled her mommy apologetically at her daughter.

"And why not? We do that every year," the little girl said softly.

"You remember when I told you about the new disease that broke out?" Said her dad. The girls brother looked up from his pancake and looked anxiously at her mommy, the girl saw out of the corner of her eye. She nodded in confusion.

"More and more people are getting infected. And you don't want us to get this disease too, do you?" Asked her dad.

"No." she said dejectedly. "Are we going to do something together anyway?" she whispered softly.

"Of course, my little one," smiled her mommy.


At the time, the girl didn't know what this new disease was going to take away from her. She couldn't even imagine what was going to happen.


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