You could hear footsteps from outside the room.
Voices as well.
"She should be in here. I dont think she is awake yet though." The doctor said.
"Thank You." A man responded.
"Who are you to her again sir?"
"Her father..."

You couldn't make out what they were saying.
So you just sat there.
Playing with Bakugou's hair.
It was soft, almost too soft.
It felt like a bunnies fur and smelled of a sweet aroma.

The door slowly opened.
Creeping their head through the crack.
Your eyes widened.


After Bakugou made sure you were in the hospital safe.
He had an idea.
Hoping you wouldn't kill him for this one.

He walked up to your parents front door.
Waiting for an answer.

Your father answered the door.
"You again?! What makes you think you can show-"
Bakugous hair forecasted his eyes. "It's y/n, she's in the hospital." His fist were clenched.
"Are you serious?! What happened?" Your father asked.
"She got extremely wounded during a villain attack and..." he lifted his head up, tears covering his eyes. "If you still love her. Please, please visit her."


"Dad? What are you doing here?" You asked. Your eyes filled with rage but happiness.
"Your boyfriend, he called me here."
Your cheeks became a bright red. "He-he isn't my boyfriend." You said flustered by the thought.
"Oh, I'm sorry I had no clue." Your father replied scratching the back of his neck.

You looked down at Bakugou.
Ready to beat his ass once you were out of there.

"I also brought someone I'm sure youde like to see." He paused and stepped outside. "You can come in now." He whispered.
"Y/n!!! I missed you so so so much." Eiji jumped on the bed.
Giving you a big hug.
Waking Bakugou up in the process.
" know my name now"

It didn't matter.
You got to hold him again.
As he sat there hugging you.
You started to cry.
I'm such a crybaby. You thought.

Bakugou looked at you frightened.
Shit, I didn't tell her he was coming yet.
He watched as those tears of joy fell from your eyes.
The small sniffle you hid as you sat there.
The obvious pain you had from Eiji being there.
But, you didn't care about the pain.

"Eiji, come on you're gonna hurt her." Your father said.
"Oh right father. I just missed her so much."
"I told Eiji everything he needed to know."
"Yeah, and the fact that your actually my sister is awesome! Now we don't have to play house anymore." Eiji said jumping up and down.

You noticed.
Mother wasn't there.
Your father could tell what you where looking for.
"She...doesn't know we are here." Your father said, placing his hand on your shoulder.

Of course she ain't here. Why would she?

Then, you turned to Bakugou.
He looked a little terrified.
But you just smiled.
"Thank you." You said squinting your eyes.

Thank you...he was hearing that a lot from you lately.

"Remember if you tell anyone we will kill him."

You turned away from Bakugou.
Now you remembered everything that just happened.
How he was in danger.
The reason you were here in the first place.

"Hey, what's wrong you idiot." Bakugou said grabbing your hand.
That touch.
His hands.
Soft and caring.
Gentle and sweet.

You couldn't help but look back at him.
Both of your faces slightly red from the impact.
You both wanted to move your hands.
Yet you were both frozen by each other's touch.
Starring into each other's eyes.

(Can y'all just kiss already, damn)

"S-sorry I just..." you got cut off
"Y/n! So you really are awake." Denki said, your other classmates following behind him.
The warm feeling of his hand was lifted the moment he saw them.
"Oh hi guys. What are you all doing here." You asked, fixing your posture to where you were sitting up straight.
"We come bearing gifts. Since your hurt and all." Kirishima said, holding roses and chocolates.

Everyone had at least one bag of gifts for you.
Everyone was so kind.
The all watched as you opened each gift.
Sitting in a circle around your bed.

(I'm gonna actually tell you what each person got you cause why not.)

Mina's: a small bag, a tee-shirt you had your eye on, a little romance manga, and a letter.
Uraraka's: a letter and a few chocolates.
Momo's: jewelry that looked way to expensive, expensive ass perfume, and a gift card to (your fav store.)
Jirou's: another small romance manga, a letter, and one of her own music Cd's.
Asui's: a little handmade frog key chain and a letter.
Todoroki's: some hand warmers, a letter, chocolates, a first aid kit, and another letter.
Iida's: a book on studying like a pro and a letter.
Tokoyami's: A letter and a little crystal for good lucky (personally i Believe he is into astrology and crystals)
Kirishima's: roses, a balloon, and some chocolates.
Sero's: tape...(I'm kidding) a letter and a jar filled with everyone's favorite memory with you.
Denki's: more roses and a letter.
Deku's: filled with all your fav things (so let me know in the comments what he chose) Deku is just to kind.
Bakugou's: a box nicley wrapped in (fav color) wrapping paper with a card on top that said. 'Don't open this till you get home you dumbass!'


"Wow! You guys didn't have to do all this for me." You said smiling. Real this time.
"Oh it was no trouble, almost everyone wanted to participate." Kirishima said. "It was actually Baku..."
"Shut it shitty hair!" Bakugou said from beside you.
The yelling hurt your ear.
Bakugou noticed.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asked.
Placing his hand on top of yours without shame.
As if no one else was in that room.

The class sat there in Aw.
Except Mineta cause that piece of shit wanted you 💀 but we just want him gone 🙄

(Time skip)

You laid your head down.
Reading the manga Mina got you.
The way they look at each other. I wish someone looked at me that way.
You thought.

But, you must be blind.
Bakugou looks at you that just don't see it.

Your phone started ringing.
Interrupting the silence.

You picked up your phone and read the number.
'Unknown caller ID'
"Hm?" You hummed

You picked up the phone.
"Enjoying your time in the hospital my little spy." Dabi said on the other line.
You gasped.
"How the hell.."
"Don't talk to your elder like that." Dabi barked.
"HAHAHA!" You laughed.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" Dabi shouted.
"Nothing..." you chuckled uncontrollably. "You just called yourself elderly and you look wrinkly."
"I-shut up!"
"Give me the phone Dabi" Shigiraki said in the distance. "Yes, how are you. You know when you go back to that UA you have to give us info on your every move. Yes?"

You clenched your phone.
About ready to crush it.
"Yeah, I know"
You ended the call and threw your phone across the room.

"Stupid fucking villains. Why did they choose me of all people. GOD DAMMIT!"

To be continued...

𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜// 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now