"Yeah kid, you had a seizure." Rai confirms.

"Henry, has this happened before?" Schwoz asks. I drag up enough energy to respond, trying to get enough focus to force my slurred speech out.

All I managed was a hum that held no answer.

"Ok new question, do you want to lie on the couch?" Schwoz asks. I make a sound of agreement.

"Do you feel well enough to sit up?" Rai asks.

I contemplate that. My centre of gravity was alarmingly off and I felt very dizzy. Plus, my vision was still incredibly blurry. Without a verbal reply, I push myself up onto my elbows.

"Hey, alright, let me help." Charlotte says, placing a warm hand on my back, helping me into a sitting position.

My vision danced even more and I'm certain I'm going to pass out any second. I feel my centre of balance take a dive and the next thing I knew, I was lying on my side again. I could tell someone was saying something, but it wasn't not making it past the fuzzy, high pitched buzzing in my ears. I wanted to bring my hands up to cover them even though I knew the noise wasn't coming from an external stimuli, but I found my hands too heavy to lift.

"-nry. -an you -ear me?"

The persistent sounds didn't appear to be making it past the barrier in my brain, but I get enough information to be able to understand what's being asked. A hand materialised in mine and I grabbed at it.

"Henry," it's Rai, "Listen to my -oice. Has -is happened befo-? Have you -ad a seizu- before?"

"As a kid." Though my words were slurring so badly that it sounded as though I said 'skid'. "Couple times wh'n I was twelve, s'mostly when'm sick. N'for... while. S'ry."

"Don't apologise, you're going to be fine." Charlotte assured me.

I feel my eyes drift close as someone lays me on the couch. I don't even remember being moved.

"Mm." I hum, relaxing into the couch.

Rai's Point of View

"Did you see if he hit his head when he fell, Charlotte?" Schwoz asked.

"I'm not sure." Charlotte responded.

"I'm worried the slurring and confusion is from a concussion and not from the seizure." Schwoz explained. To be honest, I had wondered that as well. Henry had dropped pretty fast, he may have hit his head going down.

"I can't believe this has happened before and he never thought to tell us." Jasper exclaims.

"It's Henry, there's always going to be a lot we don't know. He's really good at hiding things he doesn't want us to know about." Charlotte sighs. Unfortunately, that's true. The kid is a master of hiding things. Sure Charlotte figured out he was Kid Danger, but Charlotte's a certifiable genius. But other things? If Henry doesn't want you to find out about them, you never will.

"He's probably worried I'd fire him if he did tell me." I say.

"Will you?" Jasper asked.

"No. I'll talk to him when he's more coherent and how we can prevent this and if we need to restrict his missions, then we do that. But I see no reason why he has to quit being Kid Danger." I explain.

We lapsed into silence after that, waiting for Henry to wake up and be more alert so we could talk properly. The silence is interrupted when Henry shifted suddenly, his eyes opened as a short, panicked sounding hum left his throat.

"Henry?" Charlotte leant forward from where she had been stroking his hair.

Henry breathes unevenly, swallowing repetitively. His eyes grew wide and began to wander, his pupils blown.

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now