"To think that I hated her" she sighed, petting my head.

"The feeling was mutual Pans" I muttered, trying to wiggle out of her grip.

"Fuck!" Blaise shouted, "Is that the time? I have to get back, you two ladies okay to stay?"

I nodded my head and Pansy waved him off. Blaise stood up from his stool and gave each of us a kiss on the head before disappearing into the flue. Within a matter of minutes, Pansy was bouncing off of her seat and making her rounds through the bar. It never ceased to amaze me how Pansy Parkinson knew every single person, what they were doing, who they were with and many other creepy details. I shook my head and turned my attention back to my drink in front of me. I rested my head into the palm of my hands and let my mind wander.

How could it have been eleven years since Draco and I met. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I thought back to all those years ago.

"Did you not fucking hear me? I don't want any fucking company."

"I don't always listen to the rules," I smirked, looking at the back of his head. "Peace offering?" 

"No thanks..." he spit, turning back around to face the dark night before him. 

"Look..." I started, with a heavy sigh. "I'm not here to cause you any trouble... I am not him or my mum."

He looked up to the night sky and rolling his eyes. 

"If you can put up with my presence, then I can put up with yours" I pushed  the bottle towards him.

He took a long sip, letting the brown liquid burn his throat on the way down. He set the bottle down and pushed it towards me. 

"It's all just..." he stopped, rubbing his face with his hands, "it's fucking complicated."

"Not really" I laughed, my shoulder brushing with his. "You are just making it complicated. From where I see it, we—"

"So what Armena?" he turned to face me, moving in closer as he take a swig from the bottle, "you want to be friends? You want to share jokes and tell each other about our days? You want me to braid you hair?"

He moved in closer to me, as he continued. All of the grievances that he felt, all of the resentment came pouring off his tongue. He stalked towards me, like a lion does with his prey. He glared at me through narrowed slits, the venom pouring off his tongue with ease. My breaths picked up; they were sharp and quick as he made his move to corner me against the stone cold wall.

"I fucking hate everything you stand for... I hate who you are because of the family you were born into. In my eyes, you are no better than those filthy little mudbloods that still plaque this school. You disgust me..." He gave her a wicked smirk. "I hate you just because his blood runs through your veins."

"You think you are any better?" I spit, lifting my chin as I prepared to fire back at him. "You think you are so much better, Malfoy?"

"I like to think I am" he snapped.

His hands move to either side of my head against the wall. He cornered me into the stone alcove. There was no way for me to escape and I didn't want to. 

"Well you're not, Draco" I clenched my jaw, "your blood is just as dark as mine."

His eyes flickered to my lips as he leaned in closer to my body. I felt my breaths pick up as the tension was thick in the air, like a warm midsummer night. We both stood there as we both battled our demons within. Our eyes never loosing contact. I felt like I was drowning, staring into his grey and silver eyes. 

As You Are // D.M.Where stories live. Discover now