"Pure Hearted. I know. I'll never tray from the path of good. I'll keep my promise to you, and protect this peace that you all fought so hard to obtain."


"It seems Naruto is Calling you. You might see us again soon."

"Hold on. What was my fathers name?" He simply smiled, though she didn't miss the way Asura tensed.

"I'll see you soon, Ahmya." Her body soon began fading away.

"H-Hey! Hold on! Why won't you tell-" Her voice faded until it finally disappeared.

Asura and Hagoromo sighed in relief before the youngers expression turned into one of pity.

"Father, Must we lie to her?" 

"It's for her own good."


"Woah, I didn't think you would get so deep into meditating after all your complaining!" He flicks her forehead (Quite harshly, Might I add).

"Ouch! What was that for, Sensei?"

"Geezer sage said you suck at meditating. So why aren't you meditating like that, Heh!?!?"

"Tch. Thanks, a lot Lord Fukasaku.."

"Oi! I'm talkin to ya, Ttebayo!"

"I don't know why, I can try and do it again though..."

"Please do. But for now, It's best we Begin training."

"huh? Aren't we already training?"

"Hai. But I want you to try and infuse your body with chakra, right now."


"Just do it, Ttebayo."

"Maa...Tell me why though..."

"Tck! Just do it!" 

"Fine! Fine!" She clicks her tongue and places her fingers together into the ram sign. Her eyes widen in shock when her chakra easily flows through her body and to her hands. She staggers back a bit, and looks at the hokage in shock.

"Woah...That was much easier than usual!" 

"You really didn't use any chakra in mount Myoboku?"

"I didn't really need chakra...I was just trying to use Nature energy...Maa, How did you do that in a single week?"

"I'm just amazing."

"OI! Don't get cocky, you old man!"

"I have every right to be cocky! I am the Strongest Shinobi alive, Ttebayo!"

"Well, I'll get stronger than you!" He chuckles and ruffles her hair, surprising her.


"I know you'll get stronger than me. That's why I'm training you, Ttebayo."

"No way this Gaki is going to get better than me."

"Shut up, Kurama! I'm totally already better than you!"

"In your dreams! You could barely hit us in a spar!"

"Hah! You admit that I still can hit you, though!"

"Enough, you two. Ahmya, Make a basic Rasengan."

"Eh? Okay..." She lifts up her left hand and in a few seconds, a medium sized rasengan appears.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 | 𝑺. 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒂 ✔️ 𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑼𝑬𝑫Where stories live. Discover now