"Lil miss do you mind if I step outside?" he asked me after sometime, breaking the comfortable silence that hung between us. I turned my head up to look at him, pressing my lips against his cheek before pulling away from him.

"Do you mind if I come?" I asked him. He looked down at me letting out a small chuckle as he pressed his lips to my forehead, my eyelids fluttering closed as every connection our lips made, every connection our skin had felt more intimate after the moment we just shared with each other.

"Only if your okay with it" he said to me, my eyes rolling playfully shaking my head as I sat back on my knees next to him, watching as he fixed himself in his boxers before zipping and buttoning his pants and fixing his belt.

"If I wasn't okay with it, do you think I would've came out and sat with you last night?" I asked him, folding my arms over my chest as I raised my eyebrow at him giving him a questioning look. He shook his head at me as he let out a small laugh, sliding off of the bed as he reached out for my hands grabbing them gently in his as he pulled me up to be standing in front of him. He smirked slightly as he reached beside me holding my hunter green thong on his index finger.

"You just can't come out without these" he teased as I pulled them off of his finger shaking my head as I stepped back into them pulling them up to rest gently on my hips. He put his arms around me and pulled me in close to him, his chin resting gently on the top of my head. "Lil miss, I really really like you. This is unlike anything I have ever done before" he said to me quietly, pushing his lips to the top of my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused to what he meant about this being like nothing he has ever done before. He smiled at me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room as we quietly headed down the stairs. "Where are we going to be?" he asked me, tilting his head as he quickly stepped into his boots, his jeans bunching up carelessly at the openings as he slid his hands into his pockets.

"Out on the back deck baby. It's the sliding door right off of the living room" I said to him as he nodded his head turning around quickly as he turned the door knob and headed out the door, presumably running to whatever car he decided to bring with him to get what he needed to help him settle down for the night. I quickly walked over to the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of wine hesitating to pour one for him as I admitted to myself that I didn't know much about drugs and drinking, feeling slightly foolish that at my age that was something that I have never encountered, not even during college. Thinking about it, I poured him a glass anyway and he could make the decision about what he wanted to do with it.

I grabbed both of the glasses and headed out towards my back patio, leaving the door open just enough as I set both of the glasses down on the glass top of my table, sitting myself down in the chair that I had occupied earlier today, resting my feet on the chair opposite of me. I rested my head back against the chair, my eyes staring into the dark navy sky that was decorated with thousands of sparkling crystals, the moon being the light that was making them all reflect so brightly when I heard Austin walk through the door.

I lifted my feet off of the chair letting him know he could occupy the one I was just using as he sank himself down into the soft cushions. I watched him curiously as he set down the things he would need, opening up a small tin filled with the oregano like looking substance grabbing a previously rolled joint held together with a clip at the end. "You sure this is okay lil miss?" he asked, grabbing the tiny bit of the old joint in his fingers as he fished out his lighter from inside his pants pocket.

I nodded at him wondering why he was so insecure about me leaving him because of one little thing that he did. Sure it wasn't something that I did, though I would be lying if I said the thought never crossed my mind to try, but I wasn't going to hold it against him or make him change because I wanted to mold him into my perfect guy. He looked over at me apprehensively as he lit the end of the joint, inhaling on it deeply as he tilted his head up towards the sky holding in the smoke briefly before blowing out the little that remained. He rested his left elbow against the chair as he motioned for me that I could rest my feet back up on his lap before bringing the joint slowly back to his lips taking another long hit.

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