The two of us move quickly to our tent, and we rush the stuff out. Daryl packs the tent up, and slings it over his shoulder. We grab the rest of our gear, making wherever Daryl planned to move a one way trip.

Daryl led me to a place fairly far from the house. It was by a few trees and was placed by an old stone wall. We set up the tent, and put up our stuff inside of it. We made a small fireplace made of stones.

A while later, pretty late in the evening, the sun is about to go down in about maybe half an hour, Daryl and I are sitting on the stone wall. The both of us are carving new bolts with our hunting knives made of wood for make up of lost, broken, or too worn down ones and to even just have extras. The both of us did this in silence, not finding a need to talk. That was a thing about Daryl and I—we didn't need to talk. We were able to enjoy each other's presence silently.

The both of us noticed out of the corner of our eye Lori jogging up to the camp.

"Movin' to the suburbs?" she began. "Listen, Beth's in some kind of catatonic shook. We need Hershel."

No one bothers to tell me anything, I think to myself. Neither of us turn our attention, continuing the carving.

"Yeah, so what?" Daryl grumbles. Lori crouches down.

"So I need you to run into town real quick and bring him and Rick back," she says. We ignore her. "Daryl. Darcy." Daryl and I glance at each other, and then to Lori.

"Your bitch went window shoppin'. You want him, fetch him yourself. We got better things to do," Daryl rejects. The two of us turn our attention back to our carved bolts.

"What's the matter with you? Why would you be so selfish?" She glances between the two of us.

Both Daryl and I sprang up.

"Selfish?!" I begin.

"Listen to me, Olive Oil," Daryl continues. "The two of us were out there looking for that little girl every single day. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process. Don't you tell us 'bout getting our hands dirty!" Daryl pointed his knife in her direction.

"You want those two idiots? Have a nice ride. We're done looking for people," I finish. The two of us sit back down, and continue carving our bolts.

We sit carving the bolts for a little, and Daryl starts on our own dinner. Time passes very quickly and soon the sky is black.

"Imma go grab something from the house, I'll be back," I look at him. He nods and I hurry my way up to the house.

I step inside the house and they're setting up for dinner. I slip into the kitchen quietly and no one notices my presence.

"Lori, dinner!" I hear Carol call.

"She's not in there," Maggie informs.

"Where is she?" Dale asks. It's silent for a moment. "Carl, when was the last time you saw your mother?"

"This afternoon."

"She was worried about the small group. Asked me to look in on Carl," Andrea informed.

"The idiot actually went after them?" I bring attention to myself.

"She didn't say that."

"Sure she did. She asked Daryl and I to go into town after them. We said we're done being everyone's errand boys."

I head toward the door, already forgetting what I had come here for; suddenly with the group all gathered, it didn't seem so important.

I heard everyone jump up from their seats, following me.

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