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Picking up where we left off, the scene shows the Empire's army's securing a perimeter around the roots of the palace. While this happened,  another part of the army was fighting against demons while trying to hold their own. So far, it wasn't working.

Inside the palace, the people were running around, trying to figure out what to do. The Emperor and the Minister were some of them, but their actions stopped by the sounds of the door opening, and Arkham walking in.

Minister: Arkham! Have you seen what's going on outside? The kingdom is under attack, and the Jaegers are no where to be seen.

Arkham: (ignores him and walks to the window)

Emperor: there must be something we can do.

Minister: not you, young man. We must get you to safety—

Arkham: neither of you are leaving.

Not a second after saying that, all the doors, windows, and secret passages are sealed off, preventing anyone from exiting or leaving.

Minister: what is the meaning of this, Arkham?!

Arkham: it's the end...and the beginning. Every human empire crumbles to the ground, and the people are left broken and lost without free will. But the demon world, is forever eternal. We are witnessing the end of this pitiful excuse of a government, and embracing the change of our new ruler.

Emperor: what are you talking about, Arkham? Our glorious empire is forever!

Arkham: (looks down on him) such a naive and foolish boy. But, nevertheless, you will do well as his new vessel. (Looks at the Minister) as for you, Honest? Consider this your resignation from existence.

The doors suddenly burst open as the roots begin wrapping around the fat man, squeezing and ripping apart the man. As he screams, the boy tries to escape, but is blasted by the red lightning and a black like smoke suddenly flies right into his mouth. One it was done, the Minister was dead, and the Emperor collapses on the ground, but his skin was now deadly pale.

Arkham: welcome back to the world of human, my lord. You'll no doubt enjoy bringing the destruction.

There was nothing but silence, but soon the boy opens his eyes. However, they're glowing red, and from his forehead, a third eye forms as well. Then, he has a twisted grin. The Emperor was dead, and the demon king returned.


Back outside, the people still looked in shock as everything was happening. From Temen-ni-gru, both teams were still in shock as they saw everything happening.

Dean: I'll be the first to admit we really screwed up big time.

Chelsea: yes, thank you for that, devil boy.

Leone: but they're attacking the Empire, right? So, in a way, this would help the Revolution.

Vali: it doesn't. Once they're done here, they'll move on to the next settlement and keep going until there's nothing left.

Leone: (bitter) of course you'd say that.

Vali: come again?

Mine: the reason we're in this mess is because of you and (gestures to the Jaegers) these morons! Why didn't you tell us that that Arkham guy was going to undo Sparda's spell?! Or that yours and Dean's amulets were the keys to it!?

Vali: I wasn't aware it would undo the seal. I needed it because it's the only thing that can complete Devil Sword Sparda.

Dean: complete it?

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