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The scene first shows blackness, then it changes to show Kurome in an empty void. She was just walking, not knowing where she was, until she began hearing the sounds of clashing. Moving closer to it, she finds herself hitting a field of some kind. Then, she saw Dean and Vali fighting each other. However, looking closer at them, she saw that this time, they looked as if one was trying to kill the other.

Dean: give up already!

Vali: I can't! I will claim my power and save them!

Dean: we'll find another way. Don't make me do this.

Vali: if you won't help me, then you must die.

Dean: then I guess this is where it ends for us.

Then both ready their weapons, and Kurome's eyes widen as she realized they were going to kill each other. She desperately tries to break the field and stop them, but it wouldn't budge. The brothers then charged to one another, screaming in battle cries as they then slashed across one another.

Kurome: (wakes up) VALI!

She then realizes she was in bed, and that it was a dream. However, despite that, she was sweating and breathing heavily.

Kurome's Thoughts: it was just a dream... just a dream.

Later on, the Minister requested that the Jaegers deal with new enemies. According to him, there've been new sighs of danger beasts attacking around the city. What made them different, however, were that they looked more human. As such, they were tasked to capture some and observe them.

They caught a few of them, and took them back to the palace for inspection. Currently, Vali was reading his book while Wave and Kurome were having a game of chess. Bols soon enters the room with a small tray of tea and cake.

Bols: Wave, Kurome, the tea's ready.

Kurome: thanks Bols.

Wave: yeah, thank you for always waiting.

Bols: don't mention it! I do this because I want to. (Offers a cup for Vali) I even prepared one for you, Vali.

Vali: (accepts it) thank you.

Bols: (notices Wave's expression) what's the matter, Wave?

Wave: it still just kinda bothers me. I mean, you're just a really nice person. But even when you killed those danger beasts, and saved those guys' lives, they still judge you based on how you look!

Kurome: yeah, but you did the same thing.

Wave: (remembers that moment) aw, crap, I did!

Bols: (sets tea down) Wave, I told you before, but I-I'm not a nice person. (Remembers his past) I've been to inflicted and diseased villages, and burned them to the ground. Under orders, I was an executioner, and have burnt innocent men and women to ashes. (Looks at his hands) I've done so many horrible things. I've lost count of the names of those who want me dead.

Wave: but all you did was follow the orders you were given, right?

Bols: what I do may still be a job, but karma is still karma. I figured I'm only getting what I deserve. Reminders, retribution.

Wave attempt to comfort the man, but the door suddenly opens, revealing a woman holding a little girl in her arms. They were Kije (the mother) and Logue (the daughter), Bols' family.

Logue: daddy!

Bols: (surprised) my girls! What are you lovely ladies doing here?

Kije: (holds out a basket) you big old goofball, you left your lunch sitting on the counter this morning.

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