chapter 27

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The town still stood proud and tall, knowing it'll be destroyed in the next few days was painful enough.

Ranboo and I kept our distance from the village in the forest edge, we kept low and I wanted nothing more than to run in and tell everyone I was okay and hug them all.

I could feel him watching me and I glance to him, I know he feels guilty about the whole situation, he has no reason to be guilty but I know he feels it.

"This isn't your fault ranboo" I reassure and he looks away from me, I stand up and pull us behind one of the larger trees, "seriously bud, none of this is your fault" a purple streaks ran down the side of his face as he kept his gaze to the floor.

"If I had never told dream about tommy-"

"Then he probably would've done something much worse" I cut in and he snaps his head to look at me, "do not blame yourself, okay?" He nods slowly and I wrap my arms around his chest, he quickly returns the hug and I pull back and pull him over to the tree line.

We walk around for a little until we find the perfect view of the centre of the village where I could see everyone there and see inside of the courtyard.

I smile as I see everyone.

"Toby" I whisper with a smile, my eyes clouding, I notice him with tommy and Sam in the courtyard. A bow in hand and he fires and hits the centre of the target, twice.

I change my gaze to the centre and two familiar faces almost make me blow my cover.

Ranboo was right

My brother was standing with philza infront of the fountain and was talking to couple others as well, including george and nick.

I involuntarily take a step and ranboo grabs my arm, I snap my head to look at him and realise what I was doing.

It clicks in my brain all at once and I drag him again behind the tree.

"What?" He asks and I smile a little.

"I can use my power... I can I think its called project? They won't see me" I say bouncing with excitement but I see his concern.

"I know what it is, I can also do it and its very risky" my excitement melts away and I roll my eyes slightly.

"I need to see what I'm missing!" I whisper shout and he shakes his head.

"Its too risky, phil could hear or see you and if you get caught by anyone other than him its over" I shake my head this time and stare over at where george is standing talking to Jack.

"Ranboo I have to" we stand in silence making strong eye contact and eventually he gave in with a defeated sigh.

"You have to be careful" I smile and nod quickly, he takes a seat on the floor and pats the space next to him. I sit down and he gives me a concerned smile, "please don't get caught, if you do make sure its philza" I smile.

I focus my energy and power and think of the courtyard with a clear mind. I feel my body fall and ranboo caught me before I slipped and opened my eyes.

The courtyard

I smile and do a small spin. Its exactly how I remember but the sound of an arrow hitting a target makes me spin.


I walk over and stand to the side of him while he quickly fires another arrow and hits the target.

"Well done toby! Thats four in a row" I turn and sam is walking over with tommy following just behind him.

I decided its best not to stay in one place to long but as I leave I notice the scars all over Tommy's arm and a few on his face from his time at techno's.

I walk out into the main village and notice a group of people, I walk over and in the circle was my brother, George, philza, floris... no.


He was here, real and very much alive. Everything around me faded away and I could feel the tears sliding of my chin.

Maybe that dream I had the other night was trying to tell me something, I walk over and he's laughing at something Jack said, my typical goof all of a brother trying too hard to make a few friends.

The world around me melted and I forget that I'm not supposed to blow my cover.

My love

I reach my hand up and run the back of my hand over his horn like I used to do all those years ago.

He ducked away and stared around for a moment, he does a quick spin.

"What the fuck!" He yells and everyone turns to look at him, I back and curse for letting myself get distracted, "who the hell just touched me?!" He yells and phil steps forward.

He brushes and arm against me by accident and sighs.

He knows I'm here

"Can I have a word schlatt?" He nods and they walk away, I do a quick spin and smile at george who was now standing with nick and my brother who just looked lost.

I wonder if he knows

I run over to where phil took Jay and stand between them. Jay stares at the ground and I can see the pain shimmering through his eyes.

I shouldn't have done that

"What happened?" Phil asks and he takes a shaky breath while running a hand over where I put mine.

"Someone touched my horn" he says, he shakes his head and takes a quick deep breath, "nobody but her is aloud to touch them" he says and I smile through the tears streaming down my face.

"She?" Phil questions, he doesn't respond only looks to a tall tree where I notice many flowers.

They made me a memorial?

"It felt like her" I take a step back tripping and pushing something behind Jay. I pray neither of them saw or heard but I was wrong.

"Really" phil says, he looks directly at me and my heart sinks.

I know its time to go and I can't help but get emotional. I shut my eyes and clear my mind and when I open my eyes again my head is on ranboo's shoulder.

He notices me quickly and flashes a smile. My face drops and I hold back tears that he clearly notices.

He pulls me into a hug and I break and sob into his chest for a while.

"I wanna go home"

EchoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora