chapter 26

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The sun was barely visible over the tree line this morning and the air around me was nothing but freezing.

I climbed from my bed and listened carefully against the door to see if I could hear anyone, but at this time in the morning it was incredibly unlikely anyone else would be awake.

I got dressed in pale coloured trousers, one of ranboo's shirts, because I had no other clothes besides dresses and tied a corset around my waist to hide how baggy it was, I slipped on my boots and threw my blue hooded cloak around my shoulders.

I carefully opened my door trying to make as little noise as possible, I snuck through the house grabbing an apple from the kitchen and my sword from the rack by the door.

I slipped through the door and down the stairs and I walked around to the stable where techno said his horse would be and come face to face with both of them.


"Good morning" ranboo chimes with a smile, he's perched on top of the fence and is slightly swinging his legs while techno is prepping the horse.

"Ah Davina you're awake" techno chimes and finishes up, he holds out the reins for me to take.

"I didn't think either of you were up" I say and they both chuckle, ranboo slips of the fence and lands lazily on the floor, "why are you both up?" I ask pulling the horse outside as they both follow behind.

"I don't just want you to go to L'manburg today" techno offers a hand and helps me up onto his horse, "I want you to visit punz" my mouth parts slightly and I glance at ranboo remembering I told him he could come with me.

"Why?" I ask and pull my cape closer to me so ranboo wasn't sitting on it as he climbs on and sits behind me.

"He has something that you lost" I think for a moment but the only thing that comes to mind is my key the dream took from me when I arrived, it couldn't be that could it?

"And please don't get caught this time" he smirks slightly and my entire body freezes.

"How do you-?"

"Dream came to visit late the other night" I roll me eyes and grip the reins in my hand tighter, "punz lied for you" like an arrow to the chest the guilt hit me, I don't wanna know what dream is like when he's angry or being lied to.

"I'll see him first" I mutter and take off towards the last location of the tavern. Ranboo grips onto my hood as we ride through the forest trying to avoid icy patches from the frozen over snow.

I bring the horse to a stop and we both climb down, we walk carefully to the edge of the forest and luckily the tavern is still in the same place as before.

I usher for ranboo to follow me as I run to the back side of the tavern and slowly walk around to the same window as before and notice no sign of dream.

Luke was sitting at one of the table by himself with a small drink in hand and as if he knew he waved a hand and motioned for us to come in.

We walk around to the door and I notice dream's horse isn't around like last time, should have clocked that when I was here before.

We walk in and he looks up with an expression of shock.

"Sorry, I thought you were dream" he stands up and his hair moves away from his face.

Before he could walk to the bar i grabbed his arm and he stared looked down so I couldn't see his face.

"Luke" I start quietly and he looks up, I brush the hair away from his eyes and going from the middle of his forehead  through his eye and to the top of his cheek bone was a large scar, "I'm so sorry" I mutter and he pulls away from my grip and walks behind the bar with a shameful expression.

I walk over and stand with rhe bar between us.

"Its not your fault" he smiles but I can see the pain underneath it, "You're brothers would kill me if they found out I let something happen to you" the pain dissappears quickly from his smile and my mouth parts slightly.

"You have a brother?" Ranboo asks and I laugh and nod.

"I have two real brothers" I state and they both send me questioning glances at my wording, "Jack and Karl" Luke smiles hearing their names and feel a sadness set into my stomach.

"You said real brothers? Like you have other brothers?" Ranboo questions with caution and I chuckle lightly at him.

"George- he was like a brother to me" he nods slowly and a hint of guilt slips into his small smile, "and you of course" his head snaps up with wide eyes and his little smile grows.

"I hate to ruin the moment" luke chimes in and we turn back to him, "why are here knowing dream could turn up at any moment?" I sigh and look around briefly to see if I can see anything.

"Blade told me to see you before visiting  L'manburg, said you had something of mine?" His face lights up as he remembers and reaches down to a low shelf.

I was right, he pulled out my key and slides it across the counter. I grab it quickly and pocket it.

"Hey Luke, whats in L'manburg that everyone keeps talking about" he freezes and looks away while taking a deep breath.

"Unfortunately I'm not aloud to disclose that" I sigh feeling defeated.

I don't particularly want to visit, I know seeing them will be painful but if blade needs me to see something and Luke can't tell me, what choice do I have?

"Is that why blade wants me to visit?" He simply nods and I grab ranboo and my way outside and back to the horse.

"I didn't know you had brothers" ranboo mutters after we start towards L'manburg.

"Karl went missing before I was exiled from my kingdom" I start and hear his breath catch in his throat, "and last I heard of Jack he left the kingdom not long after I did... I tried searching for him but had no luck" a silence fell between us and I glanced back.

"What did he look like?" We spent some time talking about him and from the top of my boot I pull out a drawing an artist made my father when we were eleven of me and my brothers.

"Nobody knows I have this" I handed it back to him and he laughs at me and my brothers.

He continues to smile and I throw him a puzzled look.

"Maybe your brother is in L'manburg?" He suggests with a smile and my mouth drops as I bring the horse to a complete stop.

"Have you seen him in L'manburg?" I question and his smile only grows wider.

"Technically I didn't tell you" he winks.

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