chapter 19

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We waved goodbye to philza.

I watched, my entire future rested on his shoulders, as he rode past the tree line and completely out of sight.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? its not too late to go after him" Blade turns to me and ranboo watches on from the top of the steps.

"Yes, I thought you of all people would agree with the idea" I glance up to him not really paying attention to his face, rather the snow falling slowly behind him, "all the more reason for me to stay" he shakes his head, I make my way inside passing ranboo on the steps.

I hear his footsteps behind me and him sigh loudly. I slyly grab a pair of scissors  from the counter top and walk into my room.

I stand in front of the mirror and let out a shaky breath. I bring the blades up to my long hair and stare at my reflection.

Its for the best

Tears sting my eyes and I drop my hands to my side. I attempt to keep my mind away from L'manburg but it wonders there anyway.

The thought of Toby and Tommy all alone is enough to break my heart, I know Sam will take care of them both but they've both already lost so much.

George springs to my mind all of a sudden, the thought of him hearing the news and having to go through the pain of knowing I'm dead, probably under the hand of someone he loved.

A hand taking the scissors from me pulls me away quickly, I look up expecting to see ranboo but instead my eyes meet blades gaze.

He holds them up and I spin around to face the mirror again.

"I never wanted this" he keeps his gaze down at my hair as he starts to cut it, "I wanted to live peacefully but they kept getting in the way" I hold all of my judgement and sigh, "I don't really want to hurt anyone, I just want to prove that they aren't as protected as they think they are, if people get hurt trying to stop me thats on them" strangly I completely understand what he's saying.

"I understand" I simply mutter as to not leave him vulnerable, he smiles a little and continues to cut away at my hair.

"I may not understand you..." he starts and I look up at him through the mirror, "but I understand that there are people in L'manburg you love" he pauses and glances away, "Tommy, Toby, George..." he lists and I drop my gaze to the floor.

"I just don't want them to get hurt" despite our different views we came to an understanding and a level of trust we were both comfortable sitting at.

We stand in silence for a moment as he finishes my hair. I glance down at my white locks covering the floor and grip the bottom of my shorter hair in disbelief.

"You know I can't promise that they won't get hurt in the coming conflict" he says with guilt dripping from every word, "I can promise to protect you, I know things are going to get harsh and messy but you're more important in the long run" I nod slowly and keep my gaze to the floor.

"I don't see why" I mumble and he takes a sharp breath in. I spin around to look at with a puzzled expression.

"You'll understand why in your own time" I sigh in defeat and he pats my shoulder, "you didn't hear it from me but Punz's tavern is only a little ways north of here" my mind thinks back to the first encounter I had with him.

I never did get the meaning of that spell on the back, now would be a good time to take a trip and ask him.

He silently leaves my room while I'm mid thought. I turn to my closet and change from the dress I had on to a pair of black high trousers with a white shirt with puffy sleeves, I slip on my boots and grab my sword from by the window.

I walk out and neither of them make a comment only glance at me with a slightly smile. I smile back and blade stands from his chair, he walks over to a chest and and pulls out a long royal blue cloak and hands it to me.

"Its cold" he simply shrugs and sits back down with a smirk as I wrap it around myself and leave.

The snow had time last night and this morning to set and my feet sink with every step. I pull my compass from my pocket and flip it open to make sure I'm going the right direction.

I pull my hood up over my head and make my way through the forest while the snow falls silently around me. In a small clearing I notice the same tavern from the day I arrived in L'manburg.

I glance around to make sure nobody is near and bolt over behind the building. I make my way around to a window and peer in slowly.

Much to my dismay, dream is sitting in corner with his back to me and his head resting against the back of his chair while his entire body stretches across multiple other chairs, his hand raises with a glass firmly in his grip and he raises his head to take a sip.

He's talking to punz who I can also clearly see behind the bar where he was last time. I watch them both for a moment and then punz glances over and his eyes flick up to meet mine.

He says something to dream and he stands and walks to the exit.

I'm dead

Much to my surprise he hops on a horse and takes off in the opposite direction. I glance back in and he flicks his head to the side as a way of telling me its safe.

I run inside and I'm greeted with a warm smile.

"Hello again" I walk over and lean against the counter. He smirks and moves a glass from the counter to a shelf underneath, "what can I help you with today?" He asks but I can hear in his voice and see in his face...

"You know why I'm here punz"

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