chapter 21

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My name echoes through my mind and my thoughts become hazy and unclear.


My eyes flutter open but instead of my dark filled room I'm surrounded by many familiar faces in ball gowns and suits.


"Vina!" I snap my head towards the voice and I'm greeted with my father's warm smile, my mouth parts and my head spins, "your dance starts in a moment dear" I nod slowly and look around the hall.

Its exactly how I remember it and it hurts knowing this isn't real, its simply a dream I'm being forced to experience.

"I'd like to introduce my beautiful daughter davina to the floor" my father announces to everyone and a sense of déjà vu washes over me, this isn't just a dream.

He walks me down the stairs and at the bottom was a tall gentlemen with dark hair and a blue suit. He holds out his hand and I take it, the music plays and it clicks.

Here? Why am I here?

I dance with him but the entire time search for the one I know I'll end up with.

The gentleman spins me and I come face to face with another who takes my hand and leads me into the next dance.

A feeling of unease sets in my stomach, despite having many eyes on me there's a something here that doesn't belong and its clearly watching me closely.

He's here

He spins me again and I come face to face with him.

My love

He smiles down at me as our eyes lock and I involuntarily smile back. Every single thought from head consumed with him and thoughts of sad delight.

He's alive...

Tears threaten to fall as he continues to dance around with me.

I take in every part of him that I may never see again, his pretty brown eyes, the smirk that I fell for in this moment years ago, his horns that he would only ever let me touch. Everything.

the feeling of unease never leaves my system but I feel safe with him here. He spins me around but I keep my grip on his hands and he pulls me back into him with a proud smile.

I glance around and notice my father looking rather upset, I'm aware now he doesn't want me to be with Jay but there isn't anyone else on earth I would rather be with.

He sends down two gaurds, one of them i'm noticing is luke, I panic, I'm seeing things now I didn't notice before, its clearer to me now why he made us run in the first place.

I feel that familiar tight grip on my waist as he sees them walking towards us both.

"Its okay" he looks down at me and I grip his hand with a smile. We dance our way closer to the door until he takes of running with my hand tightly in his.

Oh to be in this moment again

We run through a corridor before I stop, he turns back to me and I quickly remove the shoes from my feet. I grab his hand again and continue running with him trailing slightly behind.

"Davina!" We both keep running, ignoring the people calling us. We glance back together before connecting our gaze and laughing wildly.

Pure bliss

He quickly pulls me into a room and hides us behind the door, he places a finger up to my mouth to keep me quiet and beams down at me.

He's here. With me. Alone.

My eyes well with tears and I look down feeling an overwhelming wave of pain and loss.

The gaurds run past the door and the feeling on unease gets a little weaker.

"Hey whats wrong?" He places his hand on the side of my face and wipes a tear away with his thumb, I lean into his hand and close my eyes to take it all in for the last time knowing this has to come to an end.

"I will always love you" I look up at him one last time and bring my hand up to grip the one on my face.

I hold it in place and close my eyes again and force myself to gain consciousness.

Its cold

I sit up from my bed and stare down at my hands, letting the tears fall into them for a moment before balling them into fists.

"Good morning... princess" his voice is enough to pull me out of sadness and into rage. He was the unease I felt.

I stand from the bed and in two steps stand below him with a small dagger pressed firmly against his throat.

His cocky smirk fades as he quickly realises the situation He's in, I use every ounce of power I have to block his and I push the knife against his throat making him suck in breath.

"If you ever do that again I will not hesitate to use this blade for more than threatening you" his eyes meet mine and I feel like my entire body is on fire, "understand?" He nods as best he can and I drop my arms to my side.

I stand feeling the anger refuse to leave my system and he just stands there in awe.

The door opens and blade appears. His gaze flicks between us and he can clearly see my frustration.

"Thats enough dream" he opens the door wider and motions for dream to leave.


The second his back is to me i let the tears fall down my skin, he ruined the last moment I had with my love, god knows when or if I'll ever see him again, and alive?

Blade watches him leave and turns back to me. I lower my head, my feelings completely consuming me and every last bit of energy I have left.

I fall to my knees with tears falling uncontrollably while keeping my gaze on my hands, I feel two arms wrap around me, I glance up at them


The door closes leaving us in the dim light on the floor. He hugs me tightly and I cry into his shoulder. He rests his head on top of mine and I feel him sigh.

"He was there ranboo" he looks down at me as I pull back, he doesn't question me at all just holds a sympathetic expression with a slight mix of anger, not towards me but its there.

He pulls me back into him and I sniffle and let more tears travel down my cheeks.

"He was alive"

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