chapter 6

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"Wait so you're staying here?" The child asks and I nod. He runs over to toby who is sitting on the bench while running his hands along the strange blue ram.

He smiles up at his best friend and they exchange a few words and he looks excited at the news. I walk over and sit on the floor infront of them and play with the grass below me while the two laugh.

Eret sent for halo a few days ago and since then I've been getting to know the people in the town, I've managed to avoid talking about my past but something keeps telling me there are secrets hidden within the kingdom that aren't being shared with me.

"Are you okay?" Toby asks and I'm pulled from my clouding thoughts so I can give him a small nod, "how have you been since..." he trails off cautiously and waits for me answer with a slight frown.

"I'm not sure, he keeps appearing in the most random moments" I start and they both turn their heads to look at me, "I just want to know who he is" I say and fall on to my back, they exchange a look and start to silently bicker about something.

"What are you two arguing about?" I ask sitting up, they look back at each other and then back to me with solemn expressions.

"Boys! Tell me!" I demand with a laugh and tommy takes a deep breath.

"We shouldn't be the ones to tell you" tommy starts and sighs while giving toby a side glance that makes him sink in his seat, "you should ask george or philza about blade" he continues and Toby sits and fiddles with his hands.

"Blade? Who's that?" I ask looking between them both and tommy only gives toby another annoyed glance, this time he turns away almost completely to avoid his gaze.

"You should really ask philza or George" tommy says and toby turns back to face us.

"We got in trouble last time we mentioned him" toby admits and tommy just shakes his head at him, "we'll probably get in trouble again" his tone is overflowing with guilt knowing he potentially got them both in trouble again.

I stand from the floor and thank them both before wandering down the hill to search for philza or george.

I wonder through the market place and notice someone standing by themselves behind an empty stall, I approach him slowly and notice that half of his body was black and the other side was snowwy white, he seemed nervous and had a book clutched in his hand.

"Hello" I greet softly and he jumps slightly and looks to me with wide eyes, "sorry I didn't mean to startle you" I attempt to step closer to him and he offers a nervous smile.

"I just didn't see you approach is all" his voice is soft but laced with nerves, "I'm ranboo" I smile brightly at him but voices behind me catch my attention and I notice nick talking to someone.

"It was lovely meeting you, but very unfortunately I have to run" I take a few steps back keeping my eyes on nick, I wave goodbye to him and attempt to walk over.

"I never caught your name?" He calls quickly stopping me and I smile brightly at his new found curiosity.

"Echo" I respond and dart back to find nick who was now out of sight.

I walk for a moment and find him sitting on a bench by the river, I approach slowly but he clearly hears me behind him and turns his to the side with a smile.

"Hey" he chimes and I walk over and stand next to him. He smiles up at me and throws a small piece of wood from the rotting bench into the water.

"Sorry to bother you nick" I give him a half smile and play with the fabric of my mantle between my hand.

"You could never bother me, whats up?" I chuckle in response to him and he only smiles up at me.

"I'm looking for philza, or george" his smile falters a little and dissapointment sets in his eyes.

"Philza and george are both at the castle in a meeting with the king" he looks back down and stares at the clear flowing water a few feet infront of us.

I take a seat next to him and he just stares blankly at me for a moment.

"I can leave if you like?" I suggest but he shakes his head.

"I have a better idea" he grabs my hand and we run through the village to the stables.

We both grab our horses and he leads me away from the village. The scenery beyond the castle was magical to say the least.

We rode through a small forest and come to a clearing surrounded by trees. Nick slides off his horse and approaches me and holds his hand out to help me down.

The grass around us is up to our knees and it feels almost like a crime to be in a place so beautifully untamed and untouched. The sun sets around us and he takes a seat in a patch of grass he spent flattening a moment ago while I admired the scenery.

He ushers me over happily and I take a seat next to him with my legs crossed. The sun leaves the sky and around us small lights from illuminate as fireflies take flight.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask and he shrugs and smiles.

"It seemed like you could use some place quiet to just take everything in" he stares up at the sky and I can't help but admire him under the dim lights.

I pull my gaze from him when I see smoke rising in the sky behind him. I stand quickly to get a better look at he stands up aswell.

"Whats wrong?" He asks but I take off running towards the smoke trying my best not to trip in the tall grass.

I reach the edge of the forest and in the distance I notice a small house planted next to a farm, the smoke coming from the chimney.

"Nick" I turn and he's looking around with great caution, "who lives there?" I ask and turn back around to watch the small house for any sign of movement.

"We shouldn't be here" he says and grabs my wrist and attempts to pull me away, "if he catches us we're dead" his voice is laced with fear and concern and I almost give in until a figure walks out from the house.

With his grip still on my wrist he pulls me down behind the trees and I watch from a lower standpoint.

Dream himself walks down the steps and behind him follows a taller figure mostly hidden by a large hood that flowed down past his feet.

They shake hands and dream climbs onto his horse and rides into the forest on the other side of the clearing. The taller figure waits and watches him before making his way back inside the cottage.

I'm pulled away quickly and nick and I takenoff running back tonour horses. We reach them and climb on fast taking off in the direction of the l'manburg.

We reach the castle in record time and both fly from our horses and run for the safety of the castle walls.

We both stop and catch our breaths and I have a hard time processing the events that have just unfolded, I only learned about blade today and dream a few days ago, this was all too much.

"Whats going on?" We both spin in fear and are greeted by the king himself who seems to already be in an annoyed mood.

"We have a problem"

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