chapter 8

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I never did understand what he meant when he told me somewhere out there, someone would love me like their own.

As a child I was quite and eager to please, always did what I was told from the second I woke up to the second I lay my head to sleep.

Growing up however, was a different story, people would fear me and treat me as a threat for simply walking through the streets. The power I possed was no secret to anyone.

It was a cute town, cobble stone paths leading everywhere, busy markets, special events almost every week and flowers placed almost everywhere in honor of my mother.

My father was a kind man while my mother was alive, but soon grew cold and ruthless.

The night before the accident occured the one person I thought I could trust had left me, he was all I had left in a cold kingdom but I had nobody to blame but myself, he had tried to tell me we could run together and find a new home, start fresh.

But I was naive and thought that everything my father was putting me through was for my own good. I was so clearly wrong.

I lost control of the power I had fought so hard to contain throughout my life, and left my betrothed in critical condition before the ceremony had even begun. Leaving my kingdom in state of panic until the kingdom we intended to united with waged war.

I was thrown from the kingdom under the order of my own father, the man I would have defened until my last dying breath, the man that told me stories of knights and princesses before putting me to bed, the man that fought me with fake swords along the dining table past my bedtime and always let me win.

I was left alone in a harsh world I knew nothing about, forced to travel light between arrogant, small minded kingdoms that would all judge me harshly for a past they knew nothing about.

The kingdom I now sit in wraps around me like a warm blanket, and I feel like I could truly have a happy life here but, like most good things in my life there are harsh undertones and deadly secrets that are yet to be shared with me that could change the course of fate.

After the power is moved from my eyes back to my hands I plan on keeping them covered until I can relearn to how to control them.

I know the people of L'manburg trust me and I finally understand what he meant. the people here, especially Eret, have treated me like I've been here my entire life, like I'm one of their own, which is the exact reason I've avoided using any of my powers.

Everyone acts like a big happy family, but I know from experience that large families often hide things from one another, things can tear everyone apart in blink of an eye at the most unexpected times.

There are things in the kingdom that don't quite add up and my patience is starting to wear thin, I know all I have to do is wait and after tomorrow I can ask as many questions as I like, but my head is struggling to keep up with my thoughts.

Watching the night go by hidden away my room is driving me crazy, I want nothing more than to run around the castle exploring each and every corner, but I know I'll have face my past in order to that and in all honesty, I don't understand why he's here of all places.

We lived miles from here past vast mountains and valleys yet he's here. he always mentioned a place where we could go and emancipate and live freely and happily without much restraint, but I never thought the place was real and it baffles me further that in this wonderful place he mentioned, his soul seems trapped.

The first time I almost lost control after having my magic moved to my eyes, he was there, he ripped part of his shirt and tied it around my eyes for me and held me close until I calmed down enough, he helped me learn to fight only using my other senses and did everything in his power to make sure I was safe.

I know it was him that gave me the new fabric the night I had the nightmare about dream, I could recognise his footsteps immediately and it made me wonder just how much he heard that night.

I also know that he was the one who gave nikita the key to hand over to me. The key that fits into a large sword apparently hidden in the treasury room, the one he gave to me during the time we trained together... the one that went missing after he left.

The day I arrived at the castle and saw him i felt a pain so indescribable that I didn't face him at all, and the reason I avoid him is to avoid feeling that pain again... its unbearable.

The events from that day run rampant in my brain and tangle together with imagines of dream driving that sword into my chest and taunting me with sharp words.

The people in the kingdom seem to avoid talking about dream or act suspicious when asked about him, I learned fairly quickly that if I'm going to find out anything about him it'll be from the child that talks to much, nick or the royals.

Everyone in the town is either scared of dream or has no reaction when he's mentioned. Nick on the other hand gets quiet and angry when he's brought up, I assume they have a past because george also acts up when he's mentioned, I make a point not to bring him while talking to either them to avoid any conflict or old feelings.

My door opening pulls me away from my thoughts and philza appears with a smile on his face, Eret explained to him a few days ago that bad would be journeying back to help me.

"You look miserable" he states and takes a seat carefully at the end of my bed on the chest, "everything okay,?" He asks  his voice soft and warm, I nod in response hoping to make the subject go away and he seemed to understand that.

"You'll be happy to hear halo arrived a short while ago"

EchoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon