• Depression •

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By lil princess:

I seem happy right?

You see no cuts on my wrist

Only the smile on my lips

You hear me smile,you hear me laugh

But did you take time to look into my eyes

Did you check the emptiness,the darkness

Did you check the cuts on my legs

Darling if only you opened your eyes

You could see

I was dying inside


What is depression

Depression is giving up on your apperence

Depression is hiding behind a fake smile that masks how you truly feel

Depression is losing the ability to love yourself and then losing yourself completely

Depression is being alone at 3 am and the only friend you have are the voices in your head

saying that you aren't good enough

And that you deserve to die

Depression is wondering why your life has to be covered with the cloud of blackness

Depression is hiding in the bathroom and crying for no reason

Depression makes you feel numb


You have no wish to live

Your tired

Just tired

You cant take it anymore

The pain

The voices in your head saying that you will never be enough

The taunts

The feeling that you don't deserve to live

By Maanvi Bhagat:

Nobody knows how I hide my fears

Nobody knows my eyes filled with tears

Nobody knows what my smile may hide

Nobody knows the goodbyes I abide

Nobody knows the dreams that I see

Nobody knows the reasons within me
All I can see is black

And demons hidden within

Ready to catch me

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