Chapter 44 - Stay

Start from the beginning

She looked at Amara, their eyes inevitably colliding. It took but a mere moment to recognise the unfamiliar emotions each held within their gaze. They were both hesitant and unsure about what they should do. On one hand, they wanted to leave and return to the familiar trenches where they belonged, but on the other hand, they wanted to stay. They wanted to know what it was about these men that piqued their interest so much.

Of course, because of the time she spent here, Amara had a stronger attachment to this place than her sister, and the realisation that she would never be able to see the man beside her again made her feel a sense of loss she had never felt before. Is it possible that she felt this way because he treated her well? Was it because of the delicious food he prepared? or was it the gentle caresses he'd shower her with?

Throughout the weeks she spent by his side, the man beside her had quietly inserted himself into her heart, quietly carving out a place for himself. If they continued like this, what would happen Every second - every minute she spent with him made her feel more satisfaction than she ever felt in her life.

Sirens believed they couldn't feel love because all they'd ever known was momentary lust. They were skilled at manipulating a man's heart, desire and mind. It was as natural to them as breathing, so how could they possibly feel love when they didn't even know what it was?

Amara and Lairith struggled with their contradictory emotions before finally calming down and accepting it.

Fine. Why not stay when these men were so adamant to keep them here? They've never been the kind to hold back from getting what they want, so why don't they watch how the situation unfolds? These men had piqued their curiosity, and now they'll have to take responsibility for it.

They believe they are unable to feel love, but in the corner of their minds, they wonder what tactics they will use to have them surrender their hearts to them. If they don't succeed, then they have no qualms about siring their child before returning home. They were strong, so there will be no doubt that their child will be as well.

Amara glanced at her siblings before returning her gaze to Austin, whose face was filled with worry.

"We've decided to stay... for now." she finally says.

At her words, his face melted into that of relief. He wrapped his arms around her and exhaled deeply, "Thank you.".

He wrapped his arms around her and exhaled deeply, "Thank you.". Amara could feel his heart pounding; it was strong and fast, showing just how nervous he was. She remained motionless in his embrace except with a slight smile on her normally expressionless face.

On the other side, Jackson stood in front of Lairith, his eyes still pleading. Lairith's face remained cold, blankly staring at him before pinching his chin and pulling him closer to her. The difference in their height was not much with Jackson only being a couple of inches taller than her.

There was just a few inches of distance between them because his face was so close to hers. His eyes opened slightly in surprise, giving him the appearance of a deer caught in headlights. Lairith grinned thinking that's expression was a little cute.because she thought his expression was cute.

"U-um" he stammered nervously.

Lairith cut him off, "-We'll stay. For now."

He blinked before smiling brightly, "Really?" he asked in disbelief "You mean it?"

Lairith nodded. Jackson felt so overwhelmingly happy that before he could think, he had already hugged her tightly.

"What the hell is going on...?" After a pause he continued, "You know what, I feel a little left out," Thelopi said as he pouted his lips and stared at them with a blameful expression.

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