the red string of fate

Start from the beginning

"anyways I never really took you for the studying type" adora says questionably

"yeah it's all because principal weavers making me do this, I mean come on, it's not like we're in highschool"

"I mean you are kinda disrespectful catra"

"whatever, at least I'm not a people's pleaser like you"

"what?! catra I am not-"

"whatever" catra turned around back to her desk

"I'm just saying what would your parents think?"

"I don't have parents"

"oh I'm-"

catra crawled into a ball in her chair before speaking.

"no it's fine, I never met them anyways, I was raised by a couple who found me, they were pretty young so they didn't really know how to parent but they're okay, more like really older siblings than parents"

adora looked at the girl shockingly

"is there something wrong?" catra asks concerned

"no it's just that, you finally...opened up to me" adora says still in shock

catra blushes and avoids adoras eye contact

"it's not because I like you alright?" catra says trying to hold back her smile

the two girls then stayed up all night, you know, whispering about whatever

adora eventually fell asleep on catras bed, catra looked down, her heart rate speeding up

adora looked so peaceful, so relaxed, so vulnerable

catra felt almost dizzy with all these butterflies in her, she sat down by the bed and grabbed adoras hand and played with it a bit before intertwining her fingers, so soft and so cold

can I really be this lucky of a person? to sit next to you holding your hand? catra thought

she sighs

"I guess I'll take a walk" as she slowly got up adoras grip tightened around catras hand not letting her go

"a-adora?" catra looks down at her

adora slowly opens her eyes, the girl just wanted catra next to her

"catra, stay with me"

"I'm right here?" she responds

"no, don't leave for her"

"for who?"

"lon-" before she could finish adora had already drifted off to sleep, unfortunately catra did not catch what she said

"hey? adora?!.. ah jeez" catra sat back down holding her hand

that night they both slept peacefully hand in hand as if the red string of fate was really connecting them, the warmth emitting from each other's bodies comforting each other

adora woke up to the sound of shuffling and moving, it smells like catra she thought

she sunk herself into catras pillow even more and gripped her bed sheets, is this a dream? It feels like she's right here

"uh adora? are you awake?" catra says obviously flustered at adoras actions

adora jumped and say up realising the girl wasn't imagining it at all

"oh uh! I'm sorry I didn't realise I fell asleep on your bed I-"

"it's.. alright..I surprisingly slept fine" catra says going back to whatever she was doing trying to distract herself from the pretty girl that sat on her bed

adora put her hand on her head, me too, I haven't slept this well in awhile she thought

"anyways you should call glitter, she wouldn't stop ringing"

"oh right thanks, it's glimmer by the way" adora gets up and heads out

"you seem busy"

"oh yeah? lonnie asked if I wanted to stay over with her at my apartment instead for some time, so I'm bringing my essentials, guess I'll see you around"

adora froze, her heart sunk to her stomach


Authors notes:

why did catra agree to staying with lonnie, did something happen or perhaps catras feelings for her reappeared? find out next time and let's all suffer together HAHAHAH <3

anyways it makes me so sad when catra and adora grab their arm when they're sad omg plz they deserve everything

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