"If you were anyone else I would shoot your brains out or skin you alive. You realize the only reason you are talking to me is because of Diana?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

"Yes." She whispers. "I want your help." She says in a nervous tone. I open one eye and look at her.

"Why should I help you?" I reply bitterly. "I don't like you."

"Because Alex plans to kill your daughter and give Diana to your father. He wants to rule as King of the G.I and he can't do that when Diana and your princess are alive." She whispers as she closes the curtains and shuts all doors making sure no was eavesdropping on our conversation.

"I killed his father, he can't be much harder to deal with. It's Derek I'm worried about. He knows all of us from the inside out. We've shared secrets, codes, maps, everything you could ever imagine. Then there's my father who still has leverage over my men from a long time of strict loyalty." I grumble as I rub my face trying to get the tired out of my eyes. I don't have time to sleep.

"Derek? I thought he died in the plane crash with Alonzo." She says confused.

"Nope. I sure wish he had. The bitch, Hallie had been spying on us and we caught her on the phone with Derek. She's in a cell downstairs." I growl.

"Is Josh still down there? I hope you haven't killed him." She says smiling.

"No, I haven't killed him. He's much to valuable. He's going to be my leverage to make her say yes during our wedding ceremony." I smirk then wince from the cut I still have on my lip from Eric's punch.

"Then what am I doing here? I need to get back home and find my wife. She's ran off... again." Eric says walking in. I lean a little ways from the couch to see atleast 5 unconscious men outside the room.

"I give you points for escaping that many of my men and walking in here demanding me to help you." I say nodding to him in respect but scowling. "Both of you." I gesture to him and her.

"Where's my niece? I want to see her."

"She's with a nanny in the nursery. Follow me." I sigh, getting up off the couch and gesturing for Mica and Eric to follow me if they want to see my daughter. I forgot to ask what names Diana had in mind for our child. I'm tempted to just name her myself, givin the fact I wasn't with Diana her whole pregnancy or during the birth.

I lead then to the room and dismiss the nanny. "She's so tiny and cute!" Mica grins gently picking the baby up and rocking her.

"My advice to you is don't force her into marriage. I did that with my wife and she continuously runs away. Women don't learn from punishments. They learn from love and respect." Eric whispers sadly. "I wish I could take back everything I've done to my Violet. Don't end up like me, mate."

"Unlike your wife, mine will have no way of leaving. Not unless she tries to run and abandon our child. Take my advice and get her pregnant before you lose her for good. Us leaders need to have heirs or we will be seen as weak." I reply in a dark tone. "You are free to leave the premises and go find her. I hope you can make it to the wedding." I growl than slam the door in his face.

"That was rude!" Mica scolded me. I rolled my eyes in response and ignored her comment.

"Doesn't matter what he thinks because he's wrong. She will learn from this next punishment. I will finally break her and make her submit to my every command." I smirk as I take my daughter from Mica's arms.



"What do you think Sergey? You, my daughter, and I on the road defeating men and running away from everyone we know." I smile as I cuddle up to my kitty.

"Mew!" He answered then proceeded to growl at the door. I could see a shadow of feet from the other side of the door.

"Who is it?" I ask as I get up off the bed. "If it's Nick, I swear I will find a way to make you suffer."

"It's me." Van squeaked on the other side of the door. "Can I come in?"

"No. I'm not letting anyone in here until my baby is in their arms!" I screech like a mad woman. Hell I think i am going insane.

I hear her sigh sadly. "I understand. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about all this. Everything is my fault. I never should have let her call Nick." She whispers. "I'd understand if you no longer wished to be friends."

"I love you like a sister, Van. But right now I think it's best if we stay away from each other. I'm not at a stable position with my emotions right now." I reply with a calm but distressing tone.

"Ok. What should I tell MJ?"

"Tell her that I will never forgive her for doing this to me. For calling him. Tell her to leave me alone." I reply bitterly.

"I-I'm so s-so-sorry!" She cries as she leaves me alone. I wish I could help her. I wish I could help myself.

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