xxxi. muggle musicals and house fires

Start from the beginning

"APPARITION LESSONS SHOULD BE A laugh then, eh?" ron chuckled. the three friends were sat cross-legged in his room.

"i dunno," harry frowned. "maybe it's better when you do it yourself. i didn't fancy it much when dumbledore took me along for a ride."

"oh, yeah, harry. i forgot you'd already done it." paris said. "it sounds great, but awful in theory."

"i'd better pass my test first time." ron looked anxious. "fred and george did."

"charlie failed though, didn't he?"

"yeah, but charlie's bigger than me. fred and george didn't half go on about it."

"when can we actually take the test, then?" harry asked, knowing paris would answer.

"soon as we're seventeen. which is no problem for me." paris grinned, as her birthday had been two months before.

"only march for me!" ron added in.

"yeah, but you wouldn't be able to apparate at hogwarts." harry frowned.

"so? at least everyone would know we could if we wanted to."

"you're such a people-pleaser, ronald." paris rolled her eyes.

"and you're not?" ron scoffed at the brunette. "you've gone soft for hermione."

"i think we're better off with this paris, anyway." harry teased. "i think the old one would've bitten off our heads by now."

"but, now! there's nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside! i'm— out of my head! hopelessly devoted to you!" fred and george came bursting in, singing off-key.

"bloody hell." ron groaned, covering his ears. "thanks a lot, for getting them on that muggle musical, paris— what'd you call it? 'oil?' now i've got to put up with that."

"oil?" paris laughed. "it's grease, ron. and you loved high school musical!"

"how do you know about muggle movies but you don't know what a dentist is?" harry asked paris, laughing.

the brunette shrugged. "my uncle has them on these peculiar, little black boxes. and when you put them in the grey, bigger box it plays them."

"you mean a cassette tape?" the boy grinned.

"right— those."

"WE'LL BE ON OUR WAY THEN," mercutio nodded. "wonderful supper molly, thank you so much."

"it was delicious, thank you, mrs weasley." paris smiled happily, her stomach full with roast turkey and potatoes, and all the trimmings.

"agreed, amazing, thank you." tonks nodded.

"are you sure you won't stay?" the woman asked mercutio, paris, lupin and tonks, who were all headed back to their own homes.

"no, first night of the cycle is always the worst." tonks whispered, nodding over at remus.

"remus?" mr weasley called to the man, who was staring out at the bushes in front of the burrow.

CARELESS WHISPER , h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now